Saturday, February 23, 2019

Answer Warren Buffet, natural nerve, at mr keynes web site :) ...since almost 20% of the world population is at the level, of milionaires, and some of us, go out to the chinese store with 10 euros, sometimes, zero euros! That's a big gap, mr keynes should think about! Well, "skylon" is supposly to be released for space operations at 2021, this means the space will be occupied by the private sector, leaving as dummies, the little politicians, wanting very much to publicity how space is not private but public LOL...Well, the planet Earth, still goes on, just like today's news, with little corruptions, and dirty business, and most of all, "their" big inniciatives as businessmen, like, hotels and real estate! There's a reason for that, picking up a spot for an hotel, getting a loan, contracting workers, choosing decoration, any bloody simple mind person, can do it! Picking a space combat jet, contracting engeniers, choosing which scientific material, and contracting..workers...some very few can!

Skylon is a series of designs for a single-stage-to-orbit spaceplane by the British company Reaction Engines Limited (REL), using SABRE, a combined-cycle, air-breathing rocket propulsion system. The vehicle design is for a hydrogen-fuelled aircraft that would take off from a purpose-built runway, an...

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