Monday, July 31, 2017

Hello! welcome back to war! After almost 5 years of warfare against the "system" I've been trought everything, literally, everything. Passing a gun trought security, if it could be only by the scanner, ok, you do it cover on old x rays films, however the metal detector is "almost" uncrossble. the relativety between mass and proximity, would demand that only 5 inches of metal cross the metal detector on a less than 1 meter parallel barrier. I've been trough everything the "system" has about it, also nylon 66, and trough dozens of scientific papers. As a conclusion, of my research, I have a theory; the theory is based on unmagnetize the metal trought this procedure (be aware that metal has also a thermal reading on detection)

 the reaction during the addition of bromine the flask being exposed to the direct light from a 750-watt lamp. At the end of the reaction when the liquid is colorized 60 ml of water are added. The flask is cooled and excess of hydrobromic acid is neutralized with the saturated solution of sodium carbonate. The final reaction product forms as oil which is separated, dried and distilled in vacuum. The product is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor and boiling point 136° C.
Bromoacetone may be also obtained by the action of bromine dissolved in acetone on an aqueous solution of sodium bromate (NaBrO3) and sulfuric acid at 30-35° C.
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Elsa David bromoacetone was used on the WWI...and its very easy to make at home US Intelligence Community
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Elsa David acetic acid has hundreds of suplliers, the price is between 35€ and 50€ one gallon Mossad
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Elsa David hello Jihad! TARGET : : Imporquímica Indústria Portuguesa de Produção Química, S.A.Zona Industrial do Carvalhinho Lote 11 - Apartado 39 2861-909 Moita Portugal
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Elsa David also...quimidroga , industrial chemical manafuctares
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So, today I'm attacking Portugal and not the US or the EU, for a change...! I have here two factories on Portugal : 1. Fábrica de Alenquer IC 2, km 38,4 Cheganças 2580-381 Alenquer 2. Fábrica de Sines Zona Industrial Ligeira 2 (Zil 2) Apartado 165 - EC Sines 7521-902 Sines ! these two factories produces chemical industrial gas. one of the gas is hydrogen sulfide, HIGHLY TOXIC. Like all chemical warfare agents, if the primary explosive reaches very high temperatures, the poison can reach more than 5 miles square.

Elsa David and there's also high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide at these sites (tretament of swors water)
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Elsa David ETAR da Guia, Cascais, ETAR S. Cita Tomar, PITAR da Urra Portalegre, ETAR de Cacia Aveiro, ETAR de Espinho , ETAR do Ave Vila do Conde, ETAR de Coimbrão Leiria, ETAR de Olhalvas Leiria, ETAR do Barreiro Moita, ETAR de VilaMoura e ETAR de Mértola
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Elsa David you need to know where the gas tank is...look for constructions as gas industrial tanks...
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Elsa David also, stretegic is lubrifidicant used oils's the country map!/catid=1
A SOGILUB vendeu, no mês de Junho de 2017, 2. 008,58 toneladas de óleos lubrificantes pré-tratados destinadas a…

Man in the Rain