Wednesday, November 14, 2018

so....this is one thing "we" need to achieve the target...but there's the ground jammers, and RF detectors...that means when you lunch your explosive will need to lunch two more birds, on a tactical ... airplane mode and emitting a coherent radio frequency (between 20 and 2020 mgz) on two different locations...

"hello world" welcome back to war! wednesday, 17.25 pm. Actually dear Jihad...your biggest problem, relies on one thing..and one thing alone..actually two! drones...whatever brand you've got remote guided by a GPS app, will be detected and know that, you already tried...second...guess...they would not deliever commercial drones to their little princes kids...without being sure, that was no fooling they blocked the hardware for uploads of am I saying? I'm saying that you can RECORD the path...and remote controll it...(next post)