Tuesday, March 8, 2022

For Israel (3)

 For Superior Analysis

two Russian nuclear-capable Tu-160 Blackjack bombers along with a heavy-lift AN-124 cargo plane and an Il-62 passenger plane outside of Venezuela's capital
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For Israel (2) (Venezuela and Biden) (Ukraine Russia war)

 Also For Superior Analysis

Quention number 2 "Venezuela" ...raising US sanctions on Venezuela, and purchasing oil crude, the dollars will end up in Russian ends.

Russia and Venezuela agree debt deal

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For Israel (Biden's policy towards Iran)

 For Superior Analysys.

Question number 1 "house", Iran back to oil business with the US, will pay this 1 million fine for these men, which there's no proof didn't got the EMW american technology for Iranian anti drones defense.
That oil commercial income, will aloud them to get any of this tek , including China, which is also behind, this particulary espionage on the US. So the americans will loose all their fortress at Iraq, and..Iraq oil importations. Bye bye Iraq war effort.
U.S. Charges Five Men with Sanctions Violations
U.S. Charges Five Men with Sanctions Violations
On January 27, Saber Fakih, a 46-year-old British national, pleaded guilty to violating U.S. sanctions on Iran. In federal court in Washington, D.C., Fakih said that he conspired with four other men to export an Industrial Microwave System (IMS) and counter-drone system from the United States to Ira...



 Mas que enervanço que vai para aqui com os refugiados ucranianos, pá!!! Entao o p* do Obama e os ingleses, fazem esta merda toda, preparam esta cagada toda...e os britanicos exigem Visa, e os americanos nao recebem ninguém pá??? Isto é o cúmulo!!!!!

Precisamos de mao de obra barata???? Com certeza!!! Mas nao encostados a viver à conta da segurança social portuguesa...compreendeu?????
O ordenado mínimo da Ucrania sao 183.53€!!!!!!! ESTÀ A PERCEBER??????? e nao teem Segurança Social!!!!! E o que é vai acontecer, vamos encher a Ucrania de divisas portuguesas, que vai passar a República Russa!!!!!! ESTÀ A PERCEBER????

Portugal Intel economics ( EDP)