Friday, October 5, 2018

to you baby...

compadre pussie is actually...joana lol

Back in 1986, my friends Paulo e Kiko, disguised as bumbs , totally dirty, and with bottles of wine...waiting that my Dad left me at bus station at Lisbon to go to my Uncle's house in Guarda...We passed by them, but I didn't pay no Dad bought the ticket and left the station, and I went down to the bus entrancies...I was putting my bag inside the bus...when suddenly more than 6 police cars starting invating the gare, special operations..and bomb squad!!!! They
actually putted down a sock on their, to beat at my window seat and say good bye...what happened was that the undercover cops there, gave the bomb alert...they were inside a police prison car for terrorists type...and my bus was just after them..I was at the first front seat...then the bus driver comment ...hey, that asshools are actually saying good bye ...I took a better look...and when I recognized them...I just ...oh men! I can't believe this shit! That was the farwell most original I ever had...

HEIST # 13

Ok...back to war...and project sting....actually seniors after the 65, they have forever until they die the same ID, without renewval....if you steal ID's from mental clinics, than, you take a 2.ª via...even if they miss the card...and...there's no data limit doesn't get cancel...

Elsa David where's my cash mr keynes The Wall Street Journal

Responder1 min

Elsa David sure, with ID citzen take the passport

...what you say...cartels suggestion...

As you have this face actually are on reconaissance intel analytics...don't combat no more...why don't you try this profession?
Supersonic fighter jet flights in a famous MiG-29 Fulcrum supersonic interceptor. Flights in this legend with a 330m/s climb rate take place in Russia
Elsa David ...I wound't Ib...Mossad ...I would say to you...I was in love for another...and go

IB private affair

stem" of mr schimdt swiss capital, of the old bastards without wanting no new ideas, no new world? I do the same of the other actors...and you do...I would say..even better...but you fullfill are not independent actors! 2nd aspect...In your case...there's even a worst fly a F-16! So...I'm forced to force a virtual romance, that doesn0t emotional works good...and be submitted to the fact...that myself personality would never, ever, take your F-16...ask anything close to do we stand, with a new woman, that sexually it really means nothing to you...and intelectually means 50% of me...that those 50% don't mean nothing...but being the "system" ...and ending...professional sex, is not what I want to copy for seduction...if you made a contract last night...please be free.
Elsa David actually...I cant't copy...because I hate gym...I just like dancing and know some few tricks from the movies Mossad ...
Responder4 min
Elsa David to make 5 minutes of her jumping skills...I would ask...5000 euros and say previsouse...I really don't know if I can hung it 5 minutes...
Responder3 minEditado
Elsa David that's why my movie tricks..I rather make them seated on top...


natural nuclear fission reactor is a uranium deposit where self-sustaining nuclear chain reactions have occurred. This can be examined by analysis of isotope ratios. The existence of this phenomenon was discovered in 1972 at Oklo in Gabon by French physicist Francis Perrin. The conditions under which a natural nuclear reactor could exist had been predicted in 1956 by Paul Kazuo Kuroda.[1] The conditions found were very similar to what was predicted.
Oklo is the only known location for this in the world and consists of 16 sites at which self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions are thought to have taken place approximately 1.7 billion years ago, and ran for a few hundred thousand years, averaging probably less than 100 kW of thermal power during that time.[2][3][4]


In May 1972 at the Pierrelatte uranium enrichment facility in France, routine mass spectrometry comparing UF6 samples from the Oklo Mine, located in Gabon, showed a discrepancy in the amount of the 235
 isotope. Normally the concentration is 0.72% while these samples had only 0.60%, a significant difference.[5] This discrepancy required explanation, as all civilian uranium handling facilities must meticulously account for all fissionable isotopes to ensure that none are diverted for weapons purposes. Thus the French Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA) began an investigation. A series of measurements of the relative abundances of the two most significant isotopes of the uranium mined at Oklo showed anomalous results compared to those obtained for uranium from other mines. Further investigations into this uranium deposit discovered uranium ore with a 235
 concentration as low as 0.44%. Subsequent examination of other isotopes showed similar anomalies, such as neodymium and ruthenium as described in more detail below.
This loss in 235
 is exactly what happens in a nuclear reactor. A possible explanation, therefore, was that the uranium ore had operated as a natural fission reactor. Other observations led to the same conclusion, and on September 25, 1972, the CEA announced their finding that self-sustaining nuclear chain reactions had occurred on Earth about 2 billion years ago. Later, other natural nuclear fission reactors were discovered in the region.

Mechanism of the reactors[edit]

The natural nuclear reactor formed when a uranium-rich mineral deposit became inundated with groundwater that acted as a neutron moderator, and a nuclear chain reaction took place. The heat generated from the nuclear fission caused the groundwater to boil away, which slowed or stopped the reaction. After cooling of the mineral deposit, the water returned, and the reaction restarted, completing a full cycle every 3 hours. The fission reaction cycles continued for hundreds of thousands of years and ended when the ever-decreasing fissile materials no longer could sustain a chain reaction.
Fission of uranium normally produces five known isotopes of the fission-product gas xenon; all five have been found trapped in the remnants of the natural reactor, in varying concentrations. The concentrations of xenon isotopes, found trapped in mineral formations 2 billion years later, make it possible to calculate the specific time intervals of reactor operation: approximately 30 minutes of criticality followed by 2 hours and 30 minutes of cooling down to complete a 3-hour cycle.[6]
A key factor that made the reaction possible was that, at the time the reactor went critical 1.7 billion years ago, the fissile isotope 235
 made up about 3.1% of the natural uranium, which is comparable to the amount used in some of today's reactors. (The remaining 96.9% was non-fissile 238
.) Because 235
 has a shorter half-life than 238
, and thus decays more rapidly, the current abundance of 235
 in natural uranium is about 0.70–0.72%. A natural nuclear reactor is therefore no longer possible on Earth without heavy water or graphite.[7]
The Oklo uranium ore deposits are the only known sites in which natural nuclear reactors existed. Other rich uranium ore bodies would also have had sufficient uranium to support nuclear reactions at that time, but the combination of uranium, water and physical conditions needed to support the chain reaction was unique, as far as is currently known, to the Oklo ore bodies.
Another factor which probably contributed to the start of the Oklo natural nuclear reactor at 2 billion years, rather than earlier, was the increasing oxygen content in the Earth's atmosphere.[4] Uranium is naturally present in the rocks of the earth, and the abundance of fissile 235
 was at least 3% or higher at all times prior to reactor startup. Uranium is soluble in water only in the presence of oxygen. Therefore, the rising oxygen levels during the aging of the Earth may have allowed uranium to be dissolved and transported with groundwater to places where a high enough concentration could accumulate to form rich uranium ore bodies. Without the new aerobic environment available on Earth at the time, these concentrations probably could not have taken place.
It is estimated that nuclear reactions in the uranium in centimeter- to meter-sized veins consumed about five tons of 235
 and elevated temperatures to a few hundred degrees Celsius.[4][8] Most of the non-volatile fission products and actinides have only moved centimeters in the veins during the last 2 billion years.[4] Studies have suggested this as a useful natural analogue for nuclear waste disposal.[9]

Relation to the atomic fine-structure constant[edit]

The natural reactor of Oklo has been used to check if the atomic fine-structure constant α might have changed over the past 2 billion years. That is because α influences the rate of various nuclear reactions. For example, 149
 captures a neutron to become 150
, and since the rate of neutron capture depends on the value of α, the ratio of the two samarium isotopes in samples from Oklo can be used to calculate the value of α from 2 billion years ago.
Several studies have analysed the relative concentrations of radioactive isotopes left behind at Oklo, and most have concluded that nuclear reactions then were much the same as they are today, which implies α was the same too.[10][11][12]

Origin of the Moon hypothesis[edit]

Published in 2010, a controversial hypothesis about the origin of the Moon proposes that the Moon may have been formed from the explosion of a natural reactor located along the core-mantle boundary at the equatorial plane of the then-rapidly rotating Earth, 4.5 billion years ago.[13][14]
While this hypothesis would explain in part the compositional similarities between the Moon and the Earth,[15] the giant impact hypothesis remains more commonly accepted, as it may arguably explain both the similarities and certain differences in the composition of the Moon.[16]

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