Friday, November 15, 2019

intel portugal-agente infiltrado

Primeiramente, nas Sting operations, o agente, sob identidade fictícia, constitui uma empresa, ou detém um estabelecimento comercial, com o intuito de vender produtos ilícitos (como armas ou joias) que podem ali ser comprados, encorajando, dessa forma, os interessados a roubar. Estas operações estão dependentes da técnica de scouting para poderem prosseguir, ou seja, determinados polícias fazem-se passar por ladrões e, inserindo-se em meios criminosos, publicitam o estabelecimento, com o intuito de fazer com que aqueles se dirijam ao local para comprar ou vender produtos roubados. Em segundo lugar, temos as honey-pot operations, bastante semelhantes às sting opertions, diferenciando-se apenas pelo facto de criarem um comércio (bar, café, restaurante, etc.) com o intuito de o tornar num centro para os membros de organizações criminosas e não para comprar ou vender mercadoria ilícita. Por sua vez, as buy-bust operations caraterizam-se por ser uma técnica de infiltração do que propriamente uma modalidade deep cover, sendo esta uma operação na qual o agente obtém, progressivamente, pequenas quantidades de estupefacientes, conseguindo dessa forma obter a confiança do mesmo e inserirse no meio criminoso. Realizada a inserção, e ganhando a confiança dossuspeitos, o agente compra uma avultada quantia de estupefacientes, a fim de, em coordenação com a polícia, deter os suspeitos da transação. Contrariamente,
as self-bust operations caracterizam-se por ser o agente o vendedor. 


The Portuguese Armed Forces complete Cyber Perseu, the National Cyberdefense exercise, using Indra's Minsait Cyber Range platform

  • Indra's Minsait Cyber Range platform is used for Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense training purposes, with the aim of preparing public and privately-run entities on how to provide a coordinated response against large-scale cyberattacks
  • Over 60 privately-run companies, universities, State and military organizations of different countries participated in this edition of Cyber Perseu
The Portuguese Armed Forces have completed 2017 Cyber Perseu, the National Cyberdefense Exercise, using Indra's Minsait Cyber Range training platform. Over 60 privately-run companies, universities, State and military organizations have participated in this exercise.
Different international entities participated in the exercise, such as the Spanish Joint Cyber Defense Force or the Brazilian Cyber Defense Command Center. Experts of privately-run companies operating in different sectors participated in the exercise, from the energy and utilities sector to the transportation, telecommunications or banking sectors, among others.
The Portuguese Armed Forces coordinated the exercise, which was aimed at testing and assessing the detection, response and coordination capacity of different national government and privately-run entities against a large-scale cyber-attack. The purpose of the exercise was also to identify procedures that can help improve how the response to this type of incidents is coordinated between the national cyber security actors.
The test was carried out at the Military Academy of Lisbon over a four-day period in November. Some of the participants connected to Indra's Minsait Cyber Range platform remotely from other regions and countries.
In addition, the Portuguese Armed Forces arranged a Capture-The-Flag competition (CTF), which lasted five hours, and in which participants faced advanced cybersecurity challenges. This competition helped the Armed Forces identify the experts with the greatest knowledge and skills.
Indra's Minsait Cyber Range is one of the market's state-of-the-art training solutions. It's a pioneering platform that supports intensive training, whether individual or group, on techniques and tactics related with cyberdefense, cyber-attacks and forensic analyses, addressing practically any specialization: reversing, malware analysis, cryptography, web attacks, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), etc. In addition to training, it also facilitates experimentation, testing and validation of new cybersecurity and cyberdefense concepts, technologies, and techniques.
Over the past few years, Indra's platform has given support to the different exercises carried out by privately-run companies, universities and military institutions in different countries. The tool is known for incorporating Indra's know-how as a leading cyber security service provider that works for large corporations. The company's experience has allowed it to design exercises that reproduce the latest and most complex attacks detected, which guarantees top-level training and preparation. Indra has an international network of advanced cybersecurity operations centers (i-CSOC), distributed between Spain, Colombia and Mexico, to service its customers.
About Indra
Indra is one of the world's top consulting and technology companies and a technology partner for the key operations of its customers' businesses worldwide. It is a leading worldwide provider of proprietary solutions in niche areas in Transport and Defense Markets and the absolute leader in IT in Spain and Latin America. It offers a comprehensive range of proprietary solutions and cutting edge services with a high added value in technology based on a unique culture of reliability, flexibility and adaptability to the needs of its customers. Indra is a world leader in the development of end-to-end technology solutions in fields such as Defense and Security, Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Telecommunications and Media, Financial Services, Electoral Processes, and Public Administrations and Healthcare. Through its Minsait unit, it addresses the challenges of digital transformation. In 2016 Indra posted a revenue of €2,709m, employed 34,000 professionals, and had a local presence in 46 countries plus sales operations in more than 140 countries. Following its acquisition of Tecnocom, Indra's combined revenue amounted to more than €3,200m in 2016 with a team of nearly 40,000 professionals.

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)