Sunday, November 11, 2018

nuclear ied ...ok...forget the neutron generator...this is a micro scale sized...and the good news about it that you can carry it inside a borosilicate glass container...

from all nuclear IED designs...hv in consideration...ts the same scinetific preposition, from the nuclear chain effect, now I'm taking about the magnetic putty...for any chemical explosive...the neutron multiplication occurs, on a 10 elevated to 10 division...therefore the heating emission, turns 100 grs of C4 in almost a nuclear bomb

dokey dokey...signal tones comm..

dokey dokey...signal tones comm..
Free MP3 Cutter Joiner 10.8

...without SIP...hummmmm

hey tribe...check it out...!!! military comm
MicroSIP is a portable SIP softphone based on the PJSIP stack available for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It facilitates high quality VoIP calls (p2p or on regular telephones) based on the open SIP protocol.

25th April Bridge, Lisbon