Thursday, March 14, 2019 are not installing the cooling tower on the surface next to the have to place it underground...if you cool enought the concrete, you're breaking the structure, and the wall will break like a earthquake (which...on a "natural" earthquake, it wouldn't)

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IED's cover detection

smuggling covers...again

cocaine smuggling...again

That message encoding you're trying to figure out, comes from here

That message encoding you're trying to figure out, comes from here
Emergency Action Messages (EAM's) are encrypted messages sent through the High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS).

Ok...this is one is very important. First, we don't need a receiver or antenna...Second...this was a "message" to the russians, since this decoding comes from Tula, and from an electronic russian military facility!

minute 07 see how thit shit works

Very few of us, on this side of the fence, I should say, only one guy, all over the global web, asked for this info....since "we" can not access military radios, and "our" radios" block the mod of 25Kz channels, then...we must modify our radio this: remove the component botton left of the resistor/diode...and it will restart on "0"

Well...this is how "undercover" "job" install a radio ground station, where you can listen to any military facility encripted communication.