Saturday, May 6, 2017

PHP script for SMS sending


Simple and easy for modification, PHP script for SMS text messages sending API. SMS Gateway (Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Brazil, Türkiye, España, Suomi, México, Italia, India, France, Malaysia, Argentina, Colombia, Canada, Indonesia, Deutschland, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt, Philippines and Worldwide coverage!) through HTTP with your Virtual mobile number and delivery reports. You just have to type your account information (  ) and upload file on server. 

Numbers for SMS => 
One-day SMS numbers => 

receive sms online script
Bulk SMS script 


Hardware-backed Keystore

The availability of a trusted execution environment in a system on a chip (SoC) offers an opportunity for Android devices to provide hardware-backed, strong security services to the Android OS, to platform services, and even to third-party apps. Developers seeking the Android-specific extensions should go to .
Keystore has been significantly enhanced in Android 6.0 with the addition of symmetric cryptographic primitives, AES and HMAC, and the addition of an access control system for hardware-backed keys. Access controls are specified during key generation and enforced for the lifetime of the key. Keys can be restricted to be usable only after the user has authenticated, and only for specified purposes or with specified cryptographic parameters. For more information, please see the Implementer's Reference .
Before Android 6.0, Android already had a simple, hardware-backed crypto services API, provided by versions 0.2 and 0.3 of the Keymaster Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Keystore provided digital signing and verification operations, plus generation and import of asymmetric signing key pairs. This is already implemented on many devices, but there are many security goals that cannot easily be achieved with only a signature API. Keystore in Android 6.0 extends the Keystore API to provide a broader range of capabilities.


The goal of the Android 6.0 Keystore API and the underlying Keymaster 1.0 HAL is to provide a basic but adequate set of cryptographic primitives to allow the implementation of protocols using access-controlled, hardware-backed keys.
In addition to expanding the range of cryptographic primitives, Keystore in Android 6.0 adds the following:
  • A usage control scheme to allow key usage to be limited, to mitigate the risk of security compromise due to misuse of keys
  • An access control scheme to enable restriction of keys to specified users, clients, and a defined time range


The Keymaster HAL is an OEM-provided, dynamically-loadable library used by the Keystore service to provide hardware-backed cryptographic services. HAL implementations must not perform any sensitive operations in user space, or even in kernel space. Sensitive operations are delegated to a secure processor reached through some kernel interface. The resulting architecture looks like the following:
Access to Keymaster
Figure 1. Access to Keymaster
Within an Android device, the "client" of the Keymaster HAL consists of multiple layers (eg app, framework, Keystore daemon), but that can be ignored for the purposes of this document. This means that the described Keymaster HAL API is low-level, used by platform-internal components, and not exposed to app developers. The higher-level API, for API level 23, is described on the Android Developer site .
The purpose of the Keymaster HAL is not to implement the security-sensitive algorithms but only to marshal and unmarshal requests to the secure world. The wire format is implementation-defined.

Compatibility with previous versions

The Keymaster v1.0 HAL is completely incompatible with the previously-released HALs, eg Keymaster v0.2 and v0.3. To facilitate interoperability on pre-Marshmallow devices that launched with the older Keymaster HALs, Keystore provides an adapter that implements the 1.0 HAL with calls to the existing hardware library. The result cannot provide the full range of functionality in the 1.0 HAL. In particular, it will only support RSA and ECDSA algorithms, and all of the key authorization enforcement will be performed by the adapter, in the non-secure world.



public static final class Settings.Secure 
extends Settings.NameValueTable 

Secure system settings, containing system preferences that applications can read but are not allowed to write. These are for preferences that the user must explicitly modify through the system UI or specialized APIs for those values, not modified directly by applications.



StringACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_INVERSION_ENABLEDSetting that specifies whether display color inversion is enabled.
StringACCESSIBILITY_ENABLEDIf accessibility is enabled.
StringACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORDThis constant was deprecated in API level O. The speaking of passwords is controlled by individual accessibility services. Apps should ignore this setting and provide complete information to accessibility at all times, which was the behavior when this value was true.
StringADB_ENABLEDThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use ADB_ENABLED instead
StringALLOWED_GEOLOCATION_ORIGINSOrigins for which browsers should allow geolocation by default.
StringALLOW_MOCK_LOCATIONThis constant was deprecated in API level 23. This settings is not used anymore.
StringANDROID_IDA 64-bit number (as a hex string) that is randomly generated when the user first sets up the device and should remain constant for the lifetime of the user's device.
StringBACKGROUND_DATAThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. As of ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, availability of background data depends on several combined factors. When background data is unavailable, getActiveNetworkInfo() will now appear disconnected.
StringBLUETOOTH_ONThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use BLUETOOTH_ON instead
StringDATA_ROAMINGThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use DATA_ROAMING instead
StringDEFAULT_INPUT_METHODSetting to record the input method used by default, holding the ID of the desired method.
StringDEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLEDThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED instead
StringDEVICE_PROVISIONEDThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use DEVICE_PROVISIONED instead
StringENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICESList of the enabled accessibility providers.
StringENABLED_INPUT_METHODSList of input methods that are currently enabled.
StringHTTP_PROXYThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use HTTP_PROXY
StringINPUT_METHOD_SELECTOR_VISIBILITYSetting to record the visibility of input method selector
StringINSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPSThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Starting from O, apps should use canRequestPackageInstalls()
StringLOCATION_MODEThe degree of location access enabled by the user.
intLOCATION_MODE_BATTERY_SAVINGReduced power usage, such as limiting the number of GPS updates per hour.
intLOCATION_MODE_HIGH_ACCURACYBest-effort location computation allowed.
intLOCATION_MODE_OFFLocation access disabled.
intLOCATION_MODE_SENSORS_ONLYNetwork Location Provider disabled, but GPS and other sensors enabled.
StringLOCK_PATTERN_ENABLEDThis constant was deprecated in API level 23. Use KeyguardManager to determine the state and security level of the keyguard. Accessing this setting from an app that is targeting M or later throws a SecurityException.
StringLOCK_PATTERN_TACTILE_FEEDBACK_ENABLEDThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Starting in JELLY_BEAN_MR1 the lockscreen uses HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED. Accessing this setting from an app that is targeting M or later throws a SecurityException.
StringLOCK_PATTERN_VISIBLEThis constant was deprecated in API level 23. Accessing this setting from an app that is targeting M or later throws a SecurityException.
StringLOGGING_IDThis constant was deprecated in API level 3. This identifier is poorly initialized and has many collisions. It should not be used.
StringNETWORK_PREFERENCEThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use NETWORK_PREFERENCE instead
StringPARENTAL_CONTROL_ENABLEDNo longer supported.
StringPARENTAL_CONTROL_LAST_UPDATENo longer supported.
StringSELECTED_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPESetting to record the input method subtype used by default, holding the ID of the desired method.
StringSETTINGS_CLASSNAMESettings classname to launch when Settings is clicked from All Applications.
StringSKIP_FIRST_USE_HINTSIf enabled, apps should try to skip any introductory hints on first launch.
StringTOUCH_EXPLORATION_ENABLEDIf touch exploration is enabled.
StringTTS_DEFAULT_COUNTRYThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the default locale. getLanguage().
StringTTS_DEFAULT_LANGThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the default locale. getLanguage().
StringTTS_DEFAULT_PITCHDefault text-to-speech engine pitch.
StringTTS_DEFAULT_RATEDefault text-to-speech engine speech rate.
StringTTS_DEFAULT_SYNTHDefault text-to-speech engine.
StringTTS_DEFAULT_VARIANTThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the locale that is in use getLanguage().
StringTTS_ENABLED_PLUGINSSpace delimited list of plugin packages that are enabled.
StringTTS_USE_DEFAULTSThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. The value of this setting is no longer respected by the framework text to speech APIs as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release.
StringUSB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLEDThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use USB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLED instead
StringUSE_GOOGLE_MAILThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use USE_GOOGLE_MAIL instead
StringWIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNTThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT instead
StringWIFI_NUM_OPEN_NETWORKS_KEPTThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_NUM_OPEN_NETWORKS_KEPT instead.
StringWIFI_ONThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_ON instead.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_ACCEPTABLE_PACKET_LOSS_PERCENTAGEThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_AP_COUNTThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_BACKGROUND_CHECK_DELAY_MSThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_BACKGROUND_CHECK_ENABLEDThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_BACKGROUND_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MSThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_INITIAL_IGNORED_PING_COUNTThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_MAX_AP_CHECKSThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_ONThis constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_WATCHDOG_ON instead
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_COUNTThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_DELAY_MSThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_TIMEOUT_MSThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
StringWIFI_WATCHDOG_WATCH_LISTThis constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.

Inherited constants

From class android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns


public static finalUriCONTENT_URIThe content:// style URL for this table

Public constructors


Public methods

static floatgetFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name, float def)Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a floating point number.
static floatgetFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name)Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a float.
static intgetInt(ContentResolver cr, String name, int def)Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as an integer.
static intgetInt(ContentResolver cr, String name)Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as an integer.
static longgetLong(ContentResolver cr, String name)Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a long.
static longgetLong(ContentResolver cr, String name, long def)Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a long.
staticStringgetString(ContentResolver resolver, String name)Look up a name in the database.
staticUrigetUriFor(String name)Construct the content URI for a particular name/value pair, useful for monitoring changes with a ContentObserver.
static final booleanisLocationProviderEnabled(ContentResolver cr, String provider)This method was deprecated in API level 19. use LOCATION_MODE or isProviderEnabled(String)
static booleanputFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name, float value)Convenience function for updating a single settings value as a floating point number.
static booleanputInt(ContentResolver cr, String name, int value)Convenience function for updating a single settings value as an integer.
static booleanputLong(ContentResolver cr, String name, long value)Convenience function for updating a secure settings value as a long integer.
static booleanputString(ContentResolver resolver, String name, String value)Store a name/value pair into the database.
static final voidsetLocationProviderEnabled(ContentResolver cr, String provider, boolean enabled)This method was deprecated in API level 19. use putInt(ContentResolver, String, int) and LOCATION_MODE

Inherited methods

From class android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
From class java.lang.Object



added in API level 21
Setting that specifies whether display color inversion is enabled.
Constant Value: "accessibility_display_inversion_enabled"


added in API level 4
If accessibility is enabled.
Constant Value: "accessibility_enabled"


added in API level 15
This constant was deprecated in API level O.
The speaking of passwords is controlled by individual accessibility services. Apps should ignore this setting and provide complete information to accessibility at all times, which was the behavior when this value was true.
Whether to speak passwords while in accessibility mode.
Constant Value: "speak_password"


added in API level 3
This constant was deprecated in API level 17.
Use ADB_ENABLED instead
Constant Value: "adb_enabled"

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