Thursday, March 17, 2016

keyboard wrapper migration - fuckin' Keyscore

void Document::setUseSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive(bool usesSecureKeyboard)
    if (m_useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive == usesSecureKeyboard)

    m_useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive = usesSecureKeyboard;

bool Document::useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive() const
    return m_useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive;

void Document::initSecurityContext(const DocumentInit& initializer)

    if (!initializer.hasSecurityContext()) {
        // No source for a security context.
        // This can occur via document.implementation.createDocument().
        m_cookieURL = KURL(ParsedURLString, emptyString());
        // Unique security origins cannot have a suborigin

    // In the common case, create the security context from the currently
    // loading URL with a fresh content security policy.
    if (initializer.shouldEnforceStrictMixedContentChecking())
    if (initializer.insecureNavigationsToUpgrade()) {
        for (auto toUpgrade : *initializer.insecureNavigationsToUpgrade())

    if (isSandboxed(SandboxOrigin)) {
        m_cookieURL = m_url;
        // If we're supposed to inherit our security origin from our
        // owner, but we're also sandboxed, the only things we inherit are
        // the origin's potential trustworthiness and the ability to
        // load local resources. The latter lets about:blank iframes in
        // file:// URL documents load images and other resources from
        // the file system.
        if (initializer.owner() && initializer.owner()->getSecurityOrigin()->isPotentiallyTrustworthy())
        if (initializer.owner() && initializer.owner()->getSecurityOrigin()->canLoadLocalResources())
    } else if (initializer.owner()) {
        m_cookieURL = initializer.owner()->cookieURL();
        // We alias the SecurityOrigins to match Firefox, see Bug 15313
    } else {
        m_cookieURL = m_url;

    // Set the address space before setting up CSP, as the latter may override
    // the former via the 'treat-as-public-address' directive (see
    if (initializer.isHostedInReservedIPRange()) {
        setAddressSpace(getSecurityOrigin()->isLocalhost() ? WebAddressSpaceLocal : WebAddressSpacePrivate);
    } else {

    if (importsController()) {
        // If this document is an HTML import, grab a reference to it's master document's Content
        // Security Policy. We don't call 'initContentSecurityPolicy' in this case, as we can't
        // rebind the master document's policy object: its ExecutionContext needs to remain tied
        // to the master document.
    } else {

    if (getSecurityOrigin()->hasSuborigin())

    if (Settings* settings = initializer.settings()) {
        if (!settings->webSecurityEnabled()) {
            // Web security is turned off. We should let this document access every other document. This is used primary by testing
            // harnesses for web sites.
        } else if (getSecurityOrigin()->isLocal()) {
            if (settings->allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs()) {
                // Some clients want local URLs to have universal access, but that setting is dangerous for other clients.
            } else if (!settings->allowFileAccessFromFileURLs()) {
                // Some clients do not want local URLs to have access to other local URLs.

Voice descrambler

This program descrambles band inverted encrypted transmissions, usually found on VHF/UHF. It uses a NCO (numerical controlled oscillator) to re-produce the originally inverted audio band. Use it only if legally permitted in your country. I assume no responsabilities deriving from its use. Standard disclaimer applies

Descrambling the voice inversion scrambler

Voice inversion is a method of scrambling radio conversations to render speech nearly unintelligible in ordinary radio receivers. As the name implies, it inverts the audio spectrum of a signal, making the lowest frequencies the highest and vice versa. It is not considered encryption; it's merely a sort of Pig Latin on analogue signals. Several voice scramblers utilize it, like the Selectone ST-20.
[Image: A spectrogram of speech, with a cut labeled 'voice inversion' in the middle of the time axis, after which the spectrum appears to be flipped upside down.]
Voice inversion is cancelled by reapplying the inversion, i.e. inverting the audio spectrum again. Here I'll present some least-effort digital descrambling methods for the voice inversion scrambler that may be of interest to hobbyist listeners. The examples are written in Perl.


In a digitally sampled signal, whole-spectrum inversion can be achieved very easily in the time domain by multiplying every other sample by −1. This is equivalent to amplitude modulating aNyquist frequency carrier with the signal; the upper sideband will get inverted and nicely overlaid with the lower because of symmetric folding.
open(IN, "sox scrambled.wav -r 8600 -c 1 -t .s16 -|");
open(OUT,"|sox -r 8600 -c 1 -t .s16 - descrambled.wav");
$n = 1;
while (not eof IN) {
  read IN, $a, 2;
  print OUT pack("s",unpack("s",$a) * $n);
  $n *= -1;
Because the whole spectrum is inverted, a sampling rate has to be chosen to (approximately) match the signal bandwidth. Slight distortion will still remain, unless the chosen Nyquist frequency perfectly matches the inverted zero frequency of the signal, or the "inversion carrier" as Selectone calls it. But speech will nevertheless be much more intelligible than in the original scrambled signal.
For example, consider a scrambled piece of audio that seems to have its highest frequency components at 4300 Hz. We would need to resample the audio at a rate of 8600 Hz and multiply every other sample by −1 to get intelligible audio.
To make things simpler, the Selectone ST-20B supports eight discrete carrier frequencies, namely 2632, 2718, 2868, 3023, 3196, 3339, 3495, and 3729 Hz, which they claim to be "the most commonly used inversion formats".


If resampling is out of the question, we can also multiply the samples with a sine wave oscillating at the seemingly highest scrambled frequency. This will produce two sidebands; the lower will be our descrambled audio and will be conveniently at baseband. The upper sideband contains the inverted signal, but at such a high frequency it should not significantly impede intelligibility. We could improve the audio further by silencing the upper sideband using a lowpass filter.
$fs = 48000; # sample rate
$fc = 3729;  # carrier frequency
$filter = " sinc -$fc"; # optional LP filter
$fc = freq($fc);
open(IN, "sox scrambled.wav -c 1 -b 16 -e signed -t .raw -|");
open(OUT,"|sox -r $fs -c 1 -b 16 -e signed -t .raw - descrambled.wav".
while (not eof IN) {
  $acc += $fc;
  $acc -= 65536 if ($acc > 32767);
  print OUT pack("s",unpack("s",$a) * sin($acc/32768*3.141592653589793));

sub freq { int(.5 + $_[0] * 65536 / $fs); }

A word about split-band scrambling

Some scramblers, like the PCD4440T, use a split-band inversion where the audio is split into two frequency bands that are then inverted separately and combined. The split frequency is user-adjustable. This is not a significant improvement; it would only require us to do the digital deinversion in two parts with different parameters.


And here's a demo of what it sounds like. We begin with a (fake) scrambled message. Then the easy descramble comes on with a 1000 Hz error in the selected sampling rate; then the easy descramble with an error of 300 Hz; and the difficult method with a spot-on carrier frequency and with the upper sideband also audible. In the end, we also filter out the unwanted upper sideband.

Portugal Intel economics ( EDP)