Thursday, December 5, 2019

end of another thursday, 18.10 pm. More warfare tomorrow, another weekend. After years of fighting...1 year and half only dedicated to nuclear physics, on all aspects of its use, today I had a big victory...on finding an extraordinary source of radioactive mineral...easy, so easy to get! (well..i mean easy on the sense that 90% of my audience its very engaged with the subject) Here it is..celestite, on strontium mineral...common reference in war, strontium fluoride. Most wanted stuff...believe me.

nuclear ied's folder - Coal Ash Is More Radioactive Than Nuclear Waste By burning away all the pesky carbon and other impurities, coal power plants produce heaps of radiation At issue is coal's content of uranium and thorium, both radioactive elements. They occur in such trace amounts in natural, or "whole," coal that they aren't a problem. But when coal is burned into fly ash, uranium and thorium are concentrated at up to 10 times their original levels.

When I look to a electronic cigarette I see the vapor liquid...that's the point...but if not correctly charged, this tiny thing can "violently" explode...but tactical on the airplane server, right next to the entrancy of the cockpit

nuclear ied's folder intel...also bullets

This is berillium copper.
1st this metal is used as a refletor in nuclear bombs , that was the old concept, now that we use magnets, it became useless. However berrilium absorbs radioactive, which means its not only metal that under x ray flashs it becomes dangerouse.
2nd...this material can actually be shaped as a bullet, and kill the Pope, since it crosses anti bullet proof glass. The thermal temperature while is shoot from a gun reachs 68 F. degrees, and the electrical conductivity gets close to the fast transmission of micro curies on radioactive chain.
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Gd morning worldwide...welcome back to war, another thursday, 07.25 am.
let's imagine we hv a commercial pyroelectric crystal.
let's imagine, we freeze that crystal first...and then after we heat at 22 C. degrees, we place the crystal inside a room with tritium that is then break to produce gas.
That will generate millions of subsequent tritium particles.
And finally ..let's imagine we, place magnets in contact with a gas botle, and then a small explosive initiator.

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)