Friday, October 27, 2017

The greatest thing about belonging to the world's elites, is to know this...common people, will congratulate Trump for his inteligence on saying now!, the US wants a desmiliterize North Korea, and not a War!, common people, are stupid insignificant fruit flies... what happened to Donald Trump pitbull speech, was a redraw from the escalation of the conflit. Therefore, a defeat. Those reading this, are now asking...what happened?

e Naval Update Map shows the approximate current locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups and Amphibious Ready Groups, based on available open-source information

Engineer who bought American nuclear technology for China sentenced to two years

A federal judge on Thursday ordered a two-year prison term for a 67-year-old engineer who worked as an operative for the Chinese government in buying American nuclear information for China. 
Chief U.S. District Judge Tom Varlan said the case of engineer Szuhsiung “Allen” Ho did not neatly fit into the category of crimes for which he pleaded guilty since that category often involves the actual possession of or threat of “weapons of mass destruction.”
“This is, in fact, an atypical case,” Varlan said in ordering up a two-year sentence in what is the first-of-its-kind prosecution involving American nuclear technology secretly purchased by China. “The court finds (Ho’s) conduct not as serious as those offenses (involving weapons of mass destruction) described (in the law).”
Ho also was sentenced to one year of supervised release and ordered to pay a fine of $20,000.

Engineer: I'm no spy

Ho insists via defense attorneys Wade Davies and Peter Zeidenberg he was not trying to help China actually produce nuclear weapons. The information he bought for China – using secret computer programs and secret shell companies – related to the production of nuclear energy.
But a by-product of nuclear power production can be used to make nuclear weapons, and China and a handful of other countries deemed by the U.S. government as potential threats are forbidden without U.S. approval from getting any information on American nuclear technology.
Assistant U.S. Attorneys Charles Atchley and Bart Slabbekorn contend that while Ho might not have intended to assist China in beefing up its military nuclear weapon program, China simply cannot be trusted to act responsibly.
Ho had faced as many as 71 months in prison, but, as a key catch for the intelligence communities of the U.S. and its foreign allies, Ho’s “multiple briefings” about China rated a recommendation from Atchley and Slabbekorn of a reduced sentence of 33 months. Ho’s defense team wanted an even bigger break, noting Ho spent nine months in solitary confinement after his arrest last year.

First-of-its kind prosecution

Ho, his firm Energy Technology International, and Chinese nuclear power plant China General Nuclear Power were indicted in April 2016 in an alleged plot to lure nuclear experts in the U.S. into providing information to allow China to develop and produce nuclear material based on American technology and below the radar of the U.S. government.
It is the first such case in the nation brought under a provision of law that regulates the sharing of U.S. nuclear technology with certain countries deemed too untrustworthy to see it. Those countries include China. 
The Chinese government refuses to even acknowledge the indictment of its own nuclear power company.
Atchley has said China paid millions for the information – which included paying American engineers to travel to China to consult on nuclear technology – Ho secured. Ho is a native of Taiwan but also a naturalized U.S. citizen, which made him valuable to China. Atchley said Ho used secret computer programs and shell companies to hide his thievery of American nuclear technology reports.
The investigation began at the behest of the Tennessee Valley Authority Office of the Inspector General, which contacted the FBI with concerns about Guey, then one of TVA's senior executives.
Guey later admitted he was paid by Ho and, by extension the Chinese government, to supply information about nuclear power production and even traveled to China on the Chinese government's dime.
Guey agreed to cooperate in the probe. He has since struck a plea deal and faces sentencing next month.

talking about "bad rabbit" or "petya" or MTR fake bootloader, here's the code

Boot Loader: boot0
; A small boot sector program written in x86 assembly whose only
; responsibility is to locate the active partition, load the
; partition booter into memory, and jump to the booter's entry point.
; It leaves the boot drive in DL and a pointer to the partition entry in SI.
; This boot loader must be placed in the Master Boot Record.
; In order to coexist with a fdisk partition table (64 bytes), and
; leave room for a two byte signature (0xAA55) in the end, boot0 is
; restricted to 446 bytes (512 - 64 - 2). If boot0 did not have to
; live in the MBR, then we would have 510 bytes to work with.
; boot0 is always loaded by the BIOS or another booter to 0:7C00h.
; This code is written for the NASM assembler.
; nasm boot0.s -o boot0
; This version of boot0 implements hybrid GUID/MBR partition scheme support
; Written by Tamás Kosárszky on 2008-03-10 and JrCs on 2013-05-08.
; Turbo added EFI System Partition boot support
; Added KillerJK's switchPass2 modifications
; JrCs added FAT32/exFAT System Partition boot support on GPT pure partition scheme
; boot0af and boot0ss share the same code except.
; The ACTIVEFIRST macro is used to select the right code
; boot0af - define ACTIVEFIRST
; boot0ss - do not define ACTIVEFIRST
; Set to 1 to enable obscure debug messages.
; Set to 1 to enable verbose mode
; Various constants.
kBoot0Segment EQU 0x0000
kBoot0Stack EQU 0xFFF0 ; boot0 stack pointer
kBoot0LoadAddr EQU 0x7C00 ; boot0 load address
kBoot0RelocAddr EQU 0xE000 ; boot0 relocated address
kMBRBuffer EQU 0x1000 ; MBR buffer address
kLBA1Buffer EQU 0x1200 ; LBA1 - GPT Partition Table Header buffer address
kGPTABuffer EQU 0x1400 ; GUID Partition Entry Array buffer address
kPartTableOffset EQU 0x1be
kMBRPartTable EQU kMBRBuffer + kPartTableOffset
kSectorBytes EQU 512 ; sector size in bytes
kBootSignature EQU 0xAA55 ; boot sector signature
kHFSPSignature EQU 'H+' ; HFS+ volume signature
kHFSPCaseSignature EQU 'HX' ; HFS+ volume case-sensitive signature
kEXFATSignature EQU 'EX' ; exFAT volume signature
kFAT32BootCodeOffset EQU 0x5a ; offset of boot code in FAT32 boot sector
kBoot1FAT32Magic EQU 'BO' ; Magic string to detect our boot1f32 code
kGPTSignatureLow EQU 'EFI ' ; GUID Partition Table Header Signature
kGPTSignatureHigh EQU 'PART'
kGUIDLastDwordOffs EQU 12 ; last 4 byte offset of a GUID
kPartCount EQU 4 ; number of paritions per table
kPartTypeEXFAT EQU 0x07 ; exFAT Filesystem type
kPartTypeFAT32 EQU 0x0c ; FAT32 Filesystem type
kPartTypeHFS EQU 0xaf ; HFS+ Filesystem type
kPartTypePMBR EQU 0xee ; On all GUID Partition Table disks a Protective MBR (PMBR)
; in LBA 0 (that is, the first block) precedes the
; GUID Partition Table Header to maintain compatibility
; with existing tools that do not understand GPT partition structures.
; The Protective MBR has the same format as a legacy MBR
; and contains one partition entry with an OSType set to 0xEE
; reserving the entire space used on the disk by the GPT partitions,
; including all headers.
kPartActive EQU 0x80 ; active flag enabled
kPartInactive EQU 0x00 ; active flag disabled
kAppleGUID EQU 0xACEC4365 ; last 4 bytes of Apple type GUIDs.
kEFISystemGUID EQU 0x3BC93EC9 ; last 4 bytes of EFI System Partition Type GUID:
; C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
kBasicDataGUID EQU 0xC79926B7 ; last 4 bytes of Basic Data System Partition Type GUID:
; EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
%ifdef FLOPPY
kDriveNumber EQU 0x00
kDriveNumber EQU 0x80
; Format of fdisk partition entry.
; The symbol 'part_size' is automatically defined as an `EQU'
; giving the size of the structure.
struc part
.bootid resb 1 ; bootable or not
.head resb 1 ; starting head, sector, cylinder
.sect resb 1 ;
.cyl resb 1 ;
.type resb 1 ; partition type
.endhead resb 1 ; ending head, sector, cylinder
.endsect resb 1 ;
.endcyl resb 1 ;
.lba resd 1 ; starting lba
.sectors resd 1 ; size in sectors
; Format of GPT Partition Table Header
struc gpth
.Signature resb 8
.Revision resb 4
.HeaderSize resb 4
.HeaderCRC32 resb 4
.Reserved resb 4
.MyLBA resb 8
.AlternateLBA resb 8
.FirstUsableLBA resb 8
.LastUsableLBA resb 8
.DiskGUID resb 16
.PartitionEntryLBA resb 8
.NumberOfPartitionEntries resb 4
.SizeOfPartitionEntry resb 4
.PartitionEntryArrayCRC32 resb 4
; Format of GUID Partition Entry Array
struc gpta
.PartitionTypeGUID resb 16
.UniquePartitionGUID resb 16
.StartingLBA resb 8
.EndingLBA resb 8
.Attributes resb 8
.PartitionName resb 72
; Macros.
%macro DebugCharMacro 1
mov al, %1
call print_char
%macro LogString 1
mov di, %1
call log_string
%define DebugChar(x) DebugCharMacro x
%define DebugChar(x)
; Start of text segment.
ORG kBoot0RelocAddr
; Boot code is loaded at 0:7C00h.
; Set up the stack to grow down from kBoot0Segment:kBoot0Stack.
; Interrupts should be off while the stack is being manipulated.
cli ; interrupts off
xor ax, ax ; zero ax
mov ss, ax ; ss <- 0="" span="">
mov sp, kBoot0Stack ; sp <- of="" span="" stack="" top="">
sti ; reenable interrupts
mov es, ax ; es <- 0="" span="">
mov ds, ax ; ds <- 0="" span="">
; Relocate boot0 code.
mov si, kBoot0LoadAddr ; si <- source="" span="">
mov di, kBoot0RelocAddr ; di <- destination="" span="">
cld ; auto-increment SI and/or DI registers
mov cx, kSectorBytes/2 ; copy 256 words
repnz movsw ; repeat string move (word) operation
; Code relocated, jump to start_reloc in relocated location.
jmp kBoot0Segment:start_reloc
; Start execution from the relocated location.
mov al, dl
call print_hex
; Since this code may not always reside in the MBR, always start by
; loading the MBR to kMBRBuffer and LBA1 to kGPTBuffer.
xor eax, eax
mov [my_lba], eax ; store LBA sector 0 for read_lba function
mov al, 2 ; load two sectors: MBR and LBA1
mov bx, kMBRBuffer ; MBR load address
call load
jc error ; MBR load error
; Look for the booter partition in the MBR partition table,
; which is at offset kMBRPartTable.
mov si, kMBRPartTable ; pointer to partition table
call find_boot ; will not return on success
jmp hang
; Find the active (boot) partition and load the booter from the partition.
; Arguments:
; DL = drive number (0x80 + unit number)
; SI = pointer to fdisk partition table.
; Clobber list:
; Check for boot block signature 0xAA55 following the 4 partition
; entries.
cmp WORD [si + part_size * kPartCount], kBootSignature
jne .exit ; boot signature not found.
xor bx, bx ; BL will be set to 1 later in case of
; Protective MBR has been found
inc bh ; BH = 1. Giving a chance for a second pass
; to boot an inactive but boot1h aware HFS+ partition
; by scanning the MBR partition entries again.
mov cx, kPartCount ; number of partition entries per table
; First scan through the partition table looking for the active
; partition.
mov al, [si + part.type] ; print partition type
call print_hex
mov eax, [si + part.lba] ; save starting LBA of current
mov [my_lba], eax ; MBR partition entry for read_lba function
cmp BYTE [si + part.type], 0 ; unused partition?
je .continue ; skip to next entry
cmp BYTE [si + part.type], kPartTypePMBR ; check for Protective MBR
jne .testPass
mov BYTE [si + part.bootid], kPartInactive ; found Protective MBR
; clear active flag to make sure this protective
; partition won't be used as a bootable partition.
mov bl, 1 ; Assume we can deal with GPT but try to scan
; later if not found any other bootable partitions.
cmp bh, 1
jne .Pass2
jmp SHORT .tryToBootIfActive
jmp SHORT .tryToBootSupportedFS
jmp SHORT .tryToBootSupportedFS
; We're going to try to boot a partition if it is active
cmp BYTE [si + part.bootid], kPartActive
jne .continue
xor dh, dh ; Argument for loadBootSector to skip file system signature check.
jmp SHORT .tryToBoot
; We're going to try to boot a partition with a supported filesystem
; equipped with boot1x in its boot record regardless if it's active or not.
mov dh, 1 ; Argument for loadBootSector to check file system signature.
cmp BYTE [si + part.type], kPartTypeHFS
je .tryToBoot
cmp BYTE [si + part.type], kPartTypeFAT32
je .tryToBoot
cmp BYTE [si + part.type], kPartTypeEXFAT
jne .continue
; Found boot partition, read boot sector to memory.
call loadBootSector
jne .continue
jmp SHORT initBootLoader
add si, BYTE part_size ; advance SI to next partition entry
loop .loop ; loop through all partition entries
; Scanned all partitions but not found any with active flag enabled
; Anyway if we found a protective MBR before we still have a chance
; for a possible GPT Header at LBA 1
dec bl
jnz .switchPass2 ; didn't find Protective MBR before
call checkGPT
; Switching to Pass 2
; try to find a boot1h aware HFS+ MBR partition
dec bh
mov si, kMBRPartTable ; set SI to first entry of MBR Partition table
jz .start_scan ; scan again
ret ; Giving up.
; Jump to partition booter. The drive number is already in register DL.
; SI is pointing to the modified partition entry.
jmp kBoot0LoadAddr
; Found Protective MBR Partition Type: 0xEE
; Check for 'EFI PART' string at the beginning
; of LBA1 for possible GPT Table Header
push bx
mov di, kLBA1Buffer ; address of GUID Partition Table Header
cmp DWORD [di], kGPTSignatureLow ; looking for 'EFI '
jne .exit ; not found. Giving up.
cmp DWORD [di + 4], kGPTSignatureHigh ; looking for 'PART'
jne .exit ; not found. Giving up indeed.
mov si, di
; Loading GUID Partition Table Array
mov eax, [si + gpth.PartitionEntryLBA] ; starting LBA of GPT Array
mov [my_lba], eax ; save starting LBA for read_lba function
mov cx, [si + gpth.NumberOfPartitionEntries] ; number of GUID Partition Array entries
mov bx, [si + gpth.SizeOfPartitionEntry] ; size of GUID Partition Array entry
push bx ; push size of GUID Partition entry
; Calculating number of sectors we need to read for loading a GPT Array
; push dx ; preserve DX (DL = BIOS drive unit number)
; mov ax, cx ; AX * BX = number of entries * size of one entry
; mul bx ; AX = total byte size of GPT Array
; pop dx ; restore DX
; shr ax, 9 ; convert to sectors
; ... or:
; Current GPT Arrays uses 128 partition entries each 128 bytes long
; 128 entries * 128 bytes long GPT Array entries / 512 bytes per sector = 32 sectors
mov al, 32 ; maximum sector size of GPT Array (hardcoded method)
mov bx, kGPTABuffer
push bx ; push address of GPT Array
call load ; read GPT Array
pop si ; SI = address of GPT Array
pop bx ; BX = size of GUID Partition Array entry
jc error
; Walk through GUID Partition Table Array
; and load boot record from first supported partition.
; If it has boot signature (0xAA55) then jump to it
; otherwise skip to next partition.
mov eax, [si + gpta.PartitionTypeGUID + kGUIDLastDwordOffs]
cmp eax, kAppleGUID ; check current GUID Partition for Apple's GUID type
je .gpt_ok
; Turbo - also try EFI System Partition
cmp eax, kEFISystemGUID ; check current GUID Partition for EFI System Partition GUID type
je .gpt_ok
; JrCs - also try FAT2 System Partition
cmp eax, kBasicDataGUID ; check current GUID Partition for Basic Data Partition GUID type
jne .gpt_continue
; Found a possible good partition try to boot it
mov eax, [si + gpta.StartingLBA] ; load boot sector from StartingLBA
mov [my_lba], eax
mov dh, 1 ; Argument for loadBootSector to check file system signature.
call loadBootSector
jne .gpt_continue ; no boot loader signature
mov si, kMBRPartTable ; fake the current GUID Partition
mov [si + part.lba], eax ; as MBR style partition for boot1h
mov BYTE [si + part.type], kPartTypeHFS ; with HFS+ filesystem type (0xAF)
jmp SHORT initBootLoader
add si, bx ; advance SI to next partition entry
loop .gpt_loop ; loop through all partition entries
pop bx
ret ; no more GUID partitions. Giving up.
; loadBootSector - Load boot sector
; Arguments:
; DL = drive number (0x80 + unit number)
; DH = 0 skip file system signature checking
; 1 enable file system signature checking
; [my_lba] = starting LBA.
; Returns:
; ZF = 0 if boot sector hasn't kBootSignature
; 1 if boot sector has kBootSignature
mov al, 3
mov bx, kBoot0LoadAddr
call load
jc error
or dh, dh
jz .checkBootSignature
; Looking for HFSPlus ('H+') or HFSPlus case-sensitive ('HX') signature.
mov ax, [kBoot0LoadAddr + 2 * kSectorBytes]
cmp ax, kHFSPSignature ; 'H+'
je .checkBootSignature
cmp ax, kHFSPCaseSignature ; 'HX'
je .checkBootSignature
; Looking for exFAT signature
mov ax, [kBoot0LoadAddr + 3]
cmp ax, kEXFATSignature ; 'EX'
je .checkBootSignature
; Looking for boot1f32 magic string.
mov ax, [kBoot0LoadAddr + kFAT32BootCodeOffset]
cmp ax, kBoot1FAT32Magic
jne .exit
; Check for boot block signature 0xAA55
cmp WORD [kBoot0LoadAddr + kSectorBytes - 2], kBootSignature
; load - Load one or more sectors from a partition.
; Arguments:
; AL = number of 512-byte sectors to read.
; ES:BX = pointer to where the sectors should be stored.
; DL = drive number (0x80 + unit number)
; [my_lba] = starting LBA.
; Returns:
; CF = 0 success
; 1 error
push cx
mov cx, 5 ; load retry count
call read_lba ; use INT13/F42
jnc .exit
loop .ebios_loop
pop cx
; read_lba - Read sectors from a partition using LBA addressing.
; Arguments:
; AL = number of 512-byte sectors to read (valid from 1-127).
; ES:BX = pointer to where the sectors should be stored.
; DL = drive number (0x80 + unit number)
; [my_lba] = starting LBA.
; Returns:
; CF = 0 success
; 1 error
pushad ; save all registers
mov bp, sp ; save current SP
; Create the Disk Address Packet structure for the
; INT13/F42 (Extended Read Sectors) on the stack.
; push DWORD 0 ; offset 12, upper 32-bit LBA
push ds ; For sake of saving memory,
push ds ; push DS register, which is 0.
mov ecx, [my_lba] ; offset 8, lower 32-bit LBA
push ecx
push es ; offset 6, memory segment
push bx ; offset 4, memory offset
xor ah, ah ; offset 3, must be 0
push ax ; offset 2, number of sectors
; It pushes 2 bytes with a smaller opcode than if WORD was used
push BYTE 16 ; offset 0-1, packet size
mov eax, ecx
call print_hex
; INT13 Func 42 - Extended Read Sectors
; Arguments:
; AH = 0x42
; DL = drive number (80h + drive unit)
; DS:SI = pointer to Disk Address Packet
; Returns:
; AH = return status (sucess is 0)
; carry = 0 success
; 1 error
; Packet offset 2 indicates the number of sectors read
; successfully.
mov si, sp
mov ah, 0x42
int 0x13
jnc .exit
DebugChar('R') ; indicate INT13/F42 error
; Issue a disk reset on error.
; Should this be changed to Func 0xD to skip the diskette controller
; reset?
xor ax, ax ; Func 0
int 0x13 ; INT 13
stc ; set carry to indicate error
mov sp, bp ; restore SP
; Write a string with 'boot0: ' prefix to the console.
; Arguments:
; ES:DI pointer to a NULL terminated string.
; Clobber list:
; DI
push di
mov si, log_title_str
call print_string
pop si
call print_string
; Write a string to the console.
; Arguments:
; DS:SI pointer to a NULL terminated string.
; Clobber list:
; AX, BX, SI
mov bx, 1 ; BH=0, BL=1 (blue)
cld ; increment SI after each lodsb call
lodsb ; load a byte from DS:SI into AL
cmp al, 0 ; Is it a NULL?
je .exit ; yes, all done
mov ah, 0xE ; INT10 Func 0xE
int 0x10 ; display byte in tty mode
jmp short .loop
; Write a ASCII character to the console.
; Arguments:
; AL = ASCII character.
mov bx, 1 ; BH=0, BL=1 (blue)
mov ah, 0x0e ; bios INT 10, Function 0xE
int 0x10 ; display byte in tty mode
; Write the 4-byte value to the console in hex.
; Arguments:
; EAX = Value to be displayed in hex.
mov cx, WORD 4
bswap eax
push ax
ror al, 4
call print_nibble ; display upper nibble
pop ax
call print_nibble ; display lower nibble
ror eax, 8
loop .loop
mov al, 10 ; carriage return
call print_char
mov al, 13
call print_char
and al, 0x0f
add al, '0'
cmp al, '9'
jna .print_ascii
add al, 'A' - '9' - 1
call print_char
mov ah, 0
int 0x16
%endif ;DEBUG
; NULL terminated strings.
gpt_str db 'GPT', 0
test_str db 'test', 0
done_str db 'done', 0
boot_error_str db 'error', 0
; Pad the rest of the 512 byte sized booter with zeroes. The last
; two bytes is the mandatory boot sector signature.
; If the booter code becomes too large, then nasm will complain
; that the 'times' argument is negative.
; According to EFI specification, maximum boot code size is 440 bytes
times 428-($-$$) db 0 ; 428 = 440 - len(log_title_str)
db 10, 13, 'boot0af: ', 0 ; can be use as signature
db 10, 13, 'boot0ss: ', 0 ; can be use as signature
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw kBootSignature
; In memory variables.
my_lba resd 1 ; Starting LBA for read_lba function

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)