Friday, August 26, 2016

I'm choosing this port analog X11 clock with Bezier curve hands

xinfocom-1.8m_1 -- Infocom game interpreter for X11


 An Exception Has Occurred

An illegal value was provided for the "revision" parameter.

HTTP Response Status

400 Bad Reques



Optical image encryption using a jigsaw transform for silhouette removal in interference-based methods and decryption with a single spatial light modulator


 Tkinter: Tkinter is the Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. 


Multi-Plane Light Conversion

Ok...let me jump from concept to see if I convince you!

so how to read pixels values on a non readeable format?


How do I decrypt an Adobe Triple DES ECB-mode encrypted password?

  So as you may have heard, the Adobe user database with 130 million records was leaked recently


Format data into string

How To Generate Random Numbers In Excel Worksheets

EasyFit – Distribution Fitting Made Easy


Multiple Information Hiding Using Circular Random Grids

The Color class is used to encapsulate colors in the default
   36    * sRGB color space or colors in arbitrary color spaces identified by a
   37    * {@link ColorSpace} 

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)