Monday, September 10, 2018

Shinedown "Cut The Cord" (Official Video)

ok...from uncle zé control, the schedule of the vault...there's only one company transporting diamonds...two cars...the moment the truck gets out, you position the cars in front and back...when stops at the traffic light...the back car...blows up the windows from the security...takes them, to the front car...leave the back car...puts the front car with FBI plates...and sirene sound...goes to a down level car parking...there's a car there...transfer the cash...leave both cars, and the maids there...and we are out! I know where the kidnapped cop is...on a contentor beared down under the soil, at a florest...

hacking drones .2

back to war...
Neither checksum nor LRC can be considered robust against message corruption. For example, consider the original message (“48656C6C6F20776F726C6421”); suppose we change the last two bytes of the message from 6421 to 6520. Both the LRC and the checksum remain unchanged! (We simply turned one bit ON in an upstream byte, and turned the same-position bit OFF downstream, creating two changes that cancel each other out at checksum time.)
Checksums of various kinds are commonly used in data communication protocols to allow the recipient of a message to determine, quickly and easily, whether the data is likely to have been corrupted in transit. If you add all the bytes of a message together, and find (neglecting overflow) that the su

hacking drones .1

welcome back to war..another week, monday, 09.25 am.
Let's hack the drones...url.URL reverse...anyobne interessest in
mux: Package mux implements a request router and dispatcher.
he internet) occurs frequently, the Constitutional Courts decisitions are unauthorized...There's also special privileges, to PJ agents, that the common citzen or public agent does not, on cases of extorsion, corruption, stopping investigations, obstrution to Justice...which means, these "good guys" are only "compulsive retirement"...This is the "system"...either the day before 25 April 1974, either the day after...So, let's go on fighting this war. Drinking, eating, having fun, and whoores ! "Assunto: Processo disciplinar. Processo criminal. Independência do processo disciplinar. Pena de expulsão: aposentação compulsiva e demissão. missor:Supremo Tribunal Administrativo - Decisões proferidas pela 1.ª Secção (Contencioso Administrativo) - Decisões em subsecção durante o 4.º trimestre de 1993"
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