Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ending the evening.....(in portuguese)

 Março 1975

O meu Pai, a minha Mae e eu fugimos de África, na iminencia da independencia de Moçambique, já sem o apoio do exército portugues a assegurar a vida de quem vivia no Império.
Chegados ao Boeing 727, com mais de 350 pessoas a bordo, a retornar a Portugal, foi nos dito que nao havia lugar no aviao para o meu Pai.
As hospedeiras contaram os lugaraes 3 vezes. O meu Pai, saiu do aviao, e retomou ao parque de estacionamento onde tinhamos abandonado o carro, com a minha Mae num pranto de lágrimas e eu, a chorar desesperadamente.
Subitamente, uma sra grita no aviao "Está aqui um lugar!" O Aviao já com os motores a trabalhar, pára!
O comandante dá ordens para chamar o meu Pai, pelos altifilantes do aeroporto da Beira, provinvia portuguesa de Nampula, e o meu Pai, já no estacionamento a arrombar o carro, e a fazer a ligaçao directa, para tentar arranjar um sitio para dormir (já tinha deitado as chaves do carro fora) ouve o seu nome, volta a entrar no aeroporto, um jipe da tropa portuguesa leva o até ao aviao, é chamada a escada para subir, e o meu Pai entra no aviao!
Eu viajo sempre ao colo do meu Pai, onde fiquei conhecida naquele voo de fuga da guerra, por querer ajudar as enfermeiras no 2 andar e ter perdido um fio de ouro mais tarde encontrado, dizia eu, até Luanda, onde o Boing portugues fez escala. 
à chegada a Portugal, o Comandante permite que eu entro no cockpit para aterragem, ao colo de uma hospedeira, sendo para mim uma das memórias mais marcantes da minha vida (tinha 5 anos) e diz me..."este é o teu País"
Mais tarde, o Comandante daquele voo, que tinha ficado amigo do meu Pai, para toda a vida, visita o meu Pai na CGD na Rua Castilho, era eu adolescente de 15 anos, e eu volto a ve lo, e o dá me 5 contos!!!!!!!
Para mim, esta história da Ucrania, como todas as guerras, é para acabar depressa, para nao separar filhas dos Pais...
eu e a minha Mae estávamos sozinhas, com uma carga de malas que nao conseguiamos transportar, sem ajiuda, e sem rumo nenhum em Lisboa...e o meu Pai, ficava em África, onde tudo podia acontecer..
Portugal abandonou África. Mas os portugueses que construiram o Império jamais abandonaram.
Fica aqui tbm um grande abraço à Força Aérea Portuguesa, que escoltou todos o exilio portugues, dos avioes civis, que ficou conhecida, como a maior operaçao de resgate do Mundo!

Meanwhile this afternoon...Other chess were discussed

 Among the worlwide reunion at my place, other subjects were talked about

Pakistan , after my vision of the Caxemire problem, which is, very sensitive two nuclear countries in permanent conflit for a small region, said that they are willing to give away Caxemire to India, if they are given another territory.

Than, Kurdistan dossier came up, and so the Doctrine is that the Kurds are a People without a country, and that's not for security reasons a good thing to remain unseen. The Iran dossier, is not about dividing Iran at all, but considering Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Iran have responsabilities over the Kurds solution, the main issue, is to solve it, considering two factors: 1 who wins what 2. what can be the losses

Turkey reply saying that it wasn't in no plan giving away territory. But my answer was, well, I always said to the Basques, and I grow up thinking how brave they were towards Spain, got their independence, what would happen is they would totally depend on the country they split away from. Meaning, that Spain by cutting any supply chain, the Basques would never have no soverignity.

So, high advantages, and I know Turkey is also approaching to Finantial issues, can and should be discussed in the future, including an old plan, of the integration of Turkey and Israel in the European Union.

Meanwhile, there's a more priority dosssier, with new actors on Europe and the US politics, new (and not old) Impery visions. The priority is Africa. 

I might say why...because Portugal new right wing wave, is to stabilish a return of the African Colonies control, as new tactics are already use at the game.

why don't I stand against Saudi Arabia Royal?

 Its this simple! :

Saudi Arabia country is made of baduinos tribes, to stay togheter they have an ancient Kingdom system!

So, actually, wishing wellfare to that People, is to defend the Royal system!

But! (and the secret services are reading ok?) I always said that the "ostentaçao" of the Royal family is ridicoulse!!!! They don't have no imagination to spend their billions, and become ferraris, for Christ sake!!! a matter a fact..I said the same concerning Donald Trump appartement!!!!

Concerning Iran folder

 Iran has a great promissing soccer national team :) if they work on the ball reception, they will be great!!!

As a portuguese, I felt dissapointed to be Portugal erasing them from the World Championship!

On politics, myself only, my war, is to not be disappointed with no future democracy at Iran!

I feel it would be a personnal loss. I might die and not see the future, but anyway, if that should happen, they will of course become another type of fascists...

I'm not exaclly a fascist or a nazi, but I don't want be a radical democrat!

Wanting my country to be respected and fear, as it was for 500 years, does not mean, I would silence opinions against it, that come from inteligent people!

China answer just arrived!

 they want all Taiwan, wriiten in contract for 100 years, they will exit from Sri Lanka...and! for the all packdge, the contract says they will not be involved in no attack on North Korea.

Russian position, is that, they don't like north koreans since 1896, and they accept to control the sea north korean territory.

also remember the bomb at the Tripoli sea port that hit a radioactive vessel transport

Resumé Ukrain Plan, chess game

 Agreement with the russians, that they occupy Ukraine, and isolate Iran, with no envolvement .

Saudi Arabia runs the game, and controls the US and NATO involvement on the Ukraine plan.

Also: proposal to China, for an occupation of half Taiwan, on 100 years contract, with the redraw from Sri Lanka military base. 

Deal with the russians is that, in no circunstance they are involved on this China proposal.

Meanwhile, on the shadows of the game, another important card: anarchism movements, that can at the dead end, control any european defense system.

the man behind the cyberwar curtains...see Time Magazine cover, on Assange detention day, on his hands

Game set.

Hello worldwide! Guns to Ukraine, let's start the business, meanwhile pay attention to anarchism and defense systems controlled (see my post on Germany missiles system hacked for 12 hours, 2017)

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)