Monday, November 20, 2023

Portugal mil Intel ( AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN where´s my constitucional money my tax´s r ILLEGAL blackmail Portugal Classified Military Files (folder 7) Baterias anti aéreas Serra do Galvão 47 Bairro Serra das Galegas and bateria à barba do Picoto 49 EN116 Freixial Intellegence delievered IT WILL HV A PRICE)


NATO Intel Gas Grid (Italy ) Back 2 warfare waiting for my constitucional money my tx´s r ILLEGAL blackmail NATO gas grid network european map, Italy (1) Intellegence delievered Russia, this one is funny isn´t it? whatever they want they will get it please, ignore me ;) IT WILL HV A PRICE


Portugal Intel ( Back AGAIN waiting for my constitucional money my tax´s r ILLEGAL blackmail Portugal sensitive files, Gas grid map precise locations and mines map ,Cabeço do Cão, Alburitel Ourém (folder 5 and 6) Intellegence delievered Whatever they want they will get it IT WILL HV A PRICE )


Ukraine mil Intel ( And AGAIN AGAIN where´s my constitucional money return back my ILLEGAL blackmail tax´s Ukraine Classified military files, precise location Artileríjsʹkí Skladi Zelenogirske and C-400 Tríumf, Êvpatoríâ Uiutne, district Saky Raion Intellegence delievered IT WILL HV A PRICE )


NK North Korea Intel ( back 2warfare waiting for my constitucional money tax´s were ILLEGAL blackmail North Korea classified files, military bases precise location Intellegence delievered "no se pasa nada compadres" Russia I´m a piece of shit and they r being authorized IT WILL HV A PRICE )


Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)