Monday, May 15, 2017

Will vlan switch forward a unicast frame on all ports associated with the destined vlan?

1.  The arp request will be send out as broadcast which will send out on all the ports in Vlan 1, to know the port where the PC-2 is connected. (Basically, switch will map the mac address with IP address of host that is connected) 
2. After arp is resolved, switch have the mac address table mapped with each IP address. 
3. Incoming frame from the PC-1 will be forwarded to only the port where PC-2 is connected. (After looking into mac address table)

Convert Permanent Link for Image to Virtual PRANK

Hello there
Does anyone know how to change a Permanent Link such as “~/link/e76463a4b3604b51952312ca0e404bcd.gif” into a virtual link such as “/Global/images/myimage.jpg”?
There’s a tool to do it for Pages but I haven’t found anything for images.
This is what I’ve tried so far but I keep getting the permanent link or nothing at all:

            string mappedLink = item.ToMappedLink();
            string permanentLink = item.ToPermanentLink();
            var url = new UrlBuilder(item.Href);
            bool result = PermanentLinkMapStore.ToMapped(url);
            string test = result ? url.ToString() : item.Href;
            string str;
            PermanentLinkMapStore.TryToMapped(uriToImage, out str);
 This works in my CMS 6 installation:
string permanentLink = "~/link/9abeeb4114cd4c129187aa2562eaa849.jpg";
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(permanentLink);


lblTest.Text = url.ToString();

Python program to auto configure Cisco access layer switches

So it has been a few weeks since I started learning Python and wanted to share my first program. I am sure it is not 100% coded correctly or most efficiently, but it works and I use it everyday!!!
Let me explain the problem (which every network admin will relate to). We have a very large infrastructure, < 1500 routers and switches, and a lot of smaller 8 port switches and access points that move around. Not too many of the AP's move around, but our 8 porters, move all the time. And being the great Network Engineers that we are, we have configurations that have port security enabled, which doesn't make the switches very friendly to changes in port configurations based on type of device.
In my environment, we have Cisco devices of all ages and IOS versions, and writing EEM scripts only helps newer devices, so what about the older devices? The program I created was to help network administration in large scale networks. It makes searching through large sets of switches and applying changes a lot less tedious.
The program does a few things:
Retrieves a list of IP addresses
Prompts for SSH credentials
Auto SSH's to devices in the list one at a time
Downloads and parses 'sh cdp neighbor detail' and 'sh interface status' into dictionaries
Then, in the menu, there are views for certain criteria:
1. Show error disabled ports
2. Show devices in CDP neighbor but not trunked or AP's not in AP vlan based on CDP model
3. Show connected interfaces that are configured for trunk or AP's but have no CDP neighbor
Then, a separate menu for changing interface configurations:
1. Auto default and reconfigure port to either access, trunk, or AP depending on CDP model
2. Auto default and reconfigure ports who are connected and configured for trunk or AP that have no CDP

3. Auto default error disabled ports

4. Manually configure port

The program is written in Python 2.7 and uses Paramiko to handle SSH connections. I use it on my Linux machine, but am working on porting it to windows.

usage: [-h] -f HOSTS [-a ACCESS] [-w WIRELESS] [-v VOICE]
An awesome Python Program to search through switches and auto configure ports
based on CDP via SSH.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

-f HOSTS, --hosts HOSTS Specify a hosts file

-a ACCESS, --access ACCESS Enter Access Vlan Value -- (default = 1)

-w WIRELESS, --wireless WIRELESS Enter Wireless Vlan Value -- (default = 1)

-v VOICE, --voice VOICE Enter Voice Vlan Value -- (default = 1)
Being that this is my first Python program, I'd really appreciate feedback on the code, thanks.


good morning! welcome back to war! lol, I've been after the russians and their blackouts on Bagdad for so what's negative ions?

New concept generates copious amounts of beneficial ions where a spinning rotor powered by the ions emitted reduces the local charge flux. Allows many times more ions
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Elsa David take a precaution while connection this to high tension cables, , do it while touching your body on any ground object

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