Sunday, November 25, 2018


outdoor navigation in built tell the truth pick...for my business

back to war, sunday, 12.00 pm..check it out The Newest MTK (Media Tek Inc.,) total solution Bluetooth GPS receiver. High sensitivity, easy to track satellite signal for better performance! The HOLUX M-1000 Wireless Bluetooth GPS Receiver is a total solution GPS receiver with Bluetooth, UART interface and built-in rechargeable battery for high sensitivity to tracking signal. M-1000 design is based on Media Tek Inc.(MTK) GPS solution - MT3318 low power Architecture. With the advanced technology, the M-1000 tracks up to 32 satellites at a time, re-acquires satellite signals in 100 ns and updates position data every second. Trickle-Power allows the unit operates a fraction of the time and Push-to-Fix permits user to have a quick position fix even though the receiver usually stays off..

ok...seriouse as it gets...playing with the same cards of the "system" communications...we need a web client specific service on our GPS....this way you own the server for the app gpsd......meaning...nmea mother netowrk works by default at port 4494...or now can change where to listen and receive PKA...on a choosen port

good morning! end of another weekend, sunday, 08.30 am! back to war!

GPSd is required by several Open Source programs that deal with GPS receivers: navit, viking, gpsdrive, GMapCatcher ... only to name a few.
Unfortunately, the GPSd website states: "No, we don't support Windows — get a better operating system." ; However, with an installed cygwin you can run GPSd under Windows.

Console WEB SmartPTT é um aplicativo dinâmico para controlar e monitorar sua rede de rádios digitais Motorola MOTOTRBO através de seu browser de internet preferido. A WEB Console SmartPTT faz parte das configurações básicas do SmartPTT nas versões Enterprise e Basic e contempla todas as funções comuns da Console de Operações.

Funções da Console WEB SmartPTT:


Sistemas suportados:

Console WEB SmartPTT é uma ótima ferramenta para enviar mensagens, checar a localizacão de usuário de rádio ou fazer uma chamada de voz a partir de um computador que não possui o SmartPTT instalado.