Tuesday, October 23, 2018

system information...IP TV....next shit...scramble...or ...crypto...right...BUT CAN YOU???? CAN YOU CONNECT THE CHANNEL TO IP TV?

we will all see this tomorrow...

ok...Santos...tu nao resolves...e o Gui também nao consegue resolver...mas nao há chatices dos "teus" compadres com o Guilherme, ok??? amanha vemos todos isto....

ok!!!!! You are going to call this plan!!! a Masterpiece!!!!! you need a person, same weight, same size...and shit...same sex...of course...don't forget this part lol....ok!!! you need to burn it until its on a egypcian mumm state...and leave just a trace of your DNA...a theeth. hum.....

vous voulez un bonbom?

So, "system" about sending this to Erdogan...I was thinking...if behind this, was turkey national bank, which the CEO, is Trump's finantial adviser at Turkey....would it matter...Israel?

The Biggest Sanctions-Evasion Scheme in Recent History

Yesterday, Turkish banker Mehmet Hakan Atilla was found guilty in a Manhattan courtroom for a range of financial crimes. His dramatic trial revealed that tens of billions in dollars and gold moved from Turkey to Iran through a complex network of businesses, banks, and front companies.
The trial was a long time coming. In late October of 2016, Justice Department officials paid a visit to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the Washington-based think tank where I serve as senior vice president. They wanted to talk about Reza Zarrab. A dual Iranian-Turkish national, Zarrab was the swashbuckling gold trader who had helped Iran evade sanctions with the help of Turkish banks in 2013 and 2014, yielding Iran an estimated $13 billion at the height of the efforts to thwart Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. A leaked reportby prosecutors in Istanbul in March 2014 suggested that Zarrab spearheaded a second sanctions-busting scheme involving fake invoices for billions more in fictitious humanitarian shipments to Iran that were processed through Turkish banks.
At FDD, we’d spent considerable time digging into Zarrab’s activities. Our think tank already had an established track record of identifying and exposing Iran’s malign activities. We had also just launched a new program to explore Turkey’s recent drift into Islamist authoritarianism. The more we investigated, the more we realized that Zarrab’s schemes, which could have helped Iran pocket more than $100 billion, rank among the largest sanctions evasion episode in modern history

Well...compadre...the whoores are not arrested...actually the "men" ??!! don't know what a "aviamento" is...on the other hand you're are on interpol list...here's my last idea...LSD cocktail molotov.

let's try this....

I’m running a webserver and FTP server, wherein /var/www is bound to /home/user/www.
I set both directories to chmod 777 (which is fine since it’s for testing only).
I can upload files into /home/user/www, but whenever I create a new directory, I always have to run chmod 777 on that folder.
Otherwise, when I try to browse it, I get the error message
You don't have permission to access /test/ on this server.
Is there a way I could make all sub-folders inside /var/www be accessible by anyone? Or could their permissions be automatically set to 777? It’s annoying that I have to type chmod 777 every time.

I’m running a webserver and FTP server, wherein /var/www is bound to /home/user/www. I set both directories to chmod 777 (which is fine since it’s for…


Is there a script that I can run (safely) on the server which will change permissions from 777 to 775 on all directories that are directly in vsite...

Good morning worldwide...welcome back to war, tuesday, 08.15 am! So, James and Shane...God damm it Elsa...how do you revoke the registration...if u'r not on Linux....well, guys, I'm not on linux because I never had money...buy then again...if I had money...we wouldn't be here at all....so...I'm hoping Jesus was somewhere, on a computing scientist minds...to help me right now.

ok...back to war!
check it out...manipulating mmpjeg strings

url = av_append_path_component(h->filename, dirent->name);
262 if (url) {
263 struct stat st;
264 if (!smbc_stat(url, &st)) {
265 entry->group_id = st.st_gid;
266 entry->user_id = st.st_uid;
267 entry->size = st.st_size;
268 entry->filemode = st.st_mode & 0777;
269 entry->modification_timestamp = INT64_C(1000000) * st.st_mtime;
270 entry->access_timestamp = INT64_C(1000000) * st.st_atime;
271 entry->status_change_timestamp = INT64_C(1000000) * st.st_ctime;
272 }
273 av_free(url);
274 }

Portugal Intel economics ( EDP)