Sunday, July 21, 2019

(10" version)

why the "system" wanted to block Nisa uranium mine information..and the dirty bomb explanations (portugal intel)

  • Elsa David but why Nisa, in particulary PRAVDA.RU ?
  • Elsa David there are two types of depleted uranium...and one of them, very easy to just let the uranium ore inside a metal box, under water, to create oxide uranium...
  • Elsa David oxide uranium the persons who hv been with me, for long years at this war, know very well.Tehran Times
  • Elsa David why ? Syrian Arab Army ...because it a very "competent" "atomic" substance to build a dirty bomb, that actually ! works
  • Elsa David which was, back in 1986/7 exported by portugal to saddam hussein..which wanted the 2 !!! types of depleted uranium...
  • Elsa David one of which...was this very easy, piece of cake, formula
  • Elsa David on the other hand Tehran Times ..bcz I've been at ALL security areas, this orange oxide, can be inserted in ammunition...
  • Elsa David why am I refering this "curiosity" Syrian Arab Army ? bcz this ammunition full of oxide uranium, can break, bullet proof glass, from convoys of politcians..and even police armoured cars
  • Elsa David the price of uranium at this pure grade, costs 10.000 € a kilo
  • Elsa David why oxide uranium (piece of cake)? bcz it reachs a very high temperature on the impact, melting either keplar plastic either hard steel..
  • Elsa David well..Tehran Times ...15 months, 9 hours a day..Nuclear Physics, expert on nuclear bombs intel and security...Elsa David
  • Elsa David a dirty bomb, actually..working..with this oxide...babies...30 to 50 pounds
  • Elsa David on the accounting..50 thousand for the product..and some 5 thousand for other components, including electronics
  • Elsa David 1 kilo of uranium produces 300 grms/400 grms of oxide, on 3 weeks
  • Elsa David since the all mineral doesn't oxidize at the same velocity
  • Elsa David this means, the process should be made by making it with 100 grms each procedure
  • Elsa David the ideal semtex or c4 quantity would be 10 soaps
  • Elsa David less than not enought scaring to them
  • Elsa David and then, missing the right detonator, which should be, placed on one first detonation starting left side, and then, 240 microseconds later, the second explosion
  • Elsa David this 2 detonations timing, will make all the diffrence on the nuclear chain implosion
  • Elsa David the nuclear bomb, purpose, is to achive tremendouse high temperatures, so the explosive...the not that much important, since 10 kilos of nitro, will start the chain of the neutrons
  • Elsa David and the neutrons shocking it selfs..will do the rest
  • Elsa David about 1 mile and half range..
  • Elsa David big difference on real nucelar high enriched uranium from this one..bcz the HEU one, gets 50.000 farnheits
  • Elsa David and this one will cause 200 farhneits
  • Elsa David but, on the center of the explosion, and the spreading of the radioactivity...everybody will burn severe

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