Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hello! Back to warfare! Accept my advise...beeing consider anarchysts, fucks all perspectives of winning any political status, or win a military based conflit. An anarchyst does not wear an an army cap, an army camouflage, an army boots. For the marketing of their system, that offical image, fucks media manipulation, social thinking. Watch the Serbians, basing a war on desgate of Nato spirit of action..4 days without one single shoot, inside an urban guerrilla, that if not made by a dressed army, would have ended on 3 months..and it lasted for 7 years. Look the IRA, showing up an image of para military. If you go for Bagdad suiciders your war is lost on the 1st day, poor fundamentalist bastards.

...take the gas out. Russia will audit. Anything die politics folder

Mr Gantz...the palestinians dont rule themselfs, its true..but pure occupation is out of fashion since Hitler ocuppied Poland..that terratory is useless for agriculture and vines...someone friends and I, have to pay from our taxes a big budget for setlers to saty with their asses on their little nice new houses, doing nothing..and pretending they are real citzens...occupation should not be the right concept, of your ambitioouse big penis. More a pacification region type, of speech and action. On the other hand...women dont like big penis,is a dont like women, anyway ...

 To Eminence the King of Saudi Arabia....Irans regime will change naturally, and even faster with economic reforms. Those reforms of course, can be manipulated...Iran is here, and they do know that! ..New centrifugers, are just fait divers, since, the cost is unbearble, without a partner behind it..but Russia is here...ask them, yourself. On the other hand, even for the Russians, priviliged relations with the iranians, privatization of the nuclear centrals, would be, both profit for the czares, while they still exist as faraos, with the treatd of a new world order, who doenst count with their existence...either for the iranian youth, to live in peace.

 Im about to to say to the big smokers at the 3rd floor of the salomon avenue..that...10 years of Likud, attempts of gefallen Irans regime..were a totally failure...more 10 years, will go on beeing a Liebermans personal failure aussi. Iran proposal is much more ,economic turn around, solution...on a desk of a vanity arrogant military college rich boy...doing nothing...and at Economy...collapsing America. Why dont the beloved PM, Putins eyes are looking at this big dog shit here....have a convenient heart attack, as Sharon...

 Mr. Joe Biden...Mr President...Isabella is a ugly envy woman, milionaire bitch, that created the Cinderela fairy tale...she must be...erased, deleted...not bcz the world wont change...with our arms and perspectives...but bcz she indangerouse a little wall ruine of a Temple. Better play safe...and silence the little trilionaire hooker. By the way...Mr President...when you born in a dont strike your ex public or in private...with the bad smell of his feet.

 via GIPHY

surprise factor ///warfare folder....attack Iran vs US

remove a mine from a oil tanker full with methanol, as a normal operation of security...get close the oil tanker from a US or UK navy ship, so it can kill...then acidentally exploded soon as they show up with drones, light laser crossing the skyp, the areas they want to erase...and then hit with missiles strike...after one! hit of them on your soil....2 naval ships...choose the ones that will block the F16s from flying over your coast bcz of the smoke, both north and south cardinals

 strike Israel with sabotage port 1028 TCP, where they have all their firewalls..forget Elbit ...strike ...hit
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