Monday, December 2, 2019

rfid hacking robbering folder (bio usb sniffer impant package)

Digamos que você tenha um leitor de cartão à sua porta, no escritório, na academia, na escola, etc., onde você precisa se identificar com um crachá para entrar, mas não sabe qual sistema RFID é e ninguém pode ou deseja fornecer informações ... basta segurar o cartão de diagnóstico RFID contra o leitor e você já sabe se o leitor está ativo com a frequência em que trabalha e qual o grau de utilização (ciclo de trabalho ) Isso torna a decisão de um ou outro implante mais segura.
Dangerous Things RFID Diagnostic Card

bio usb implant wireless sniffer intel

Cyber...cyberise is offline, so I found this milfare bio implant, great price, highly sensitive
Unser Value-Kit für Zutrittssysteme deckt die gängigsten RIFD Standards ab: Mifare Classic, Mifare Ultralight und EM41xx. Dazu noch eine RFID-Diagnostic Card und ein xLED zum Austesten von Systemen.

A man carrying radioactive night-vision devices detained in Belgorod ...nuclear IED's folder

On August 16, 2009, radiation monitoring equipment at the Dolbino railroad crossing point of Belgorod station detected radiation emitting from railcar number 5 of the “Nikolaev-Moscow” train en route from Ukraine.[1] Using portable dosimeters, customs officials determined that a Russian citizen’s hand luggage emitted ionizing radiation over 600 times the natural background level. The sources were 28 night-vision aiming devices for Kalashnikov assault rifles, which were manufactured with a material that contained Radium-66 salts. The passenger claimed that he bought these devices at a market in Dnepropetrovsk and planned to use them for night fishing and hunting.
The items were confiscated and slated for disposal.[1] A criminal case was opened under Article 188 of the Criminal Code (smuggling). Further investigation revealed that none of the other passengers’ health was endangered.
[1] “Radioaktivnaya kontrabanda,” [Radioactive smuggling], Nash Belgorod, 2 September 2009, in Integrum Techno database,
Abstract Number:  20090270
Headline:  A man carrying radioactive night-vision devices detained in Belgorod
Date:  16 August 2009
Bibliography:  "Shesdesyat Shestoy – Radioaktinvnyy"  ["Sixty-Sixth, Radioactive"], Belgorodskiye Izvyestiya, 4 September 2009, in Integrum Techno database,   
Material:  Radium-66

terrorism folder...toxins...botulinum, face creams

...That's why I went shopping 2
ALIBABA.COM offers 162 botulinum toxin products. About 28% of these are other beauty & personal care products, 17% are skin care serum, and 8% are…