Saturday, February 25, 2017

forget the ip address children playstation hacking site...) let's disable javascript and add a noscript tag to html call

Display different content if JavaScript is disabled

i suppose that by disable java u will get a different visual content of the webpage ....hum..and then write the .bat putting in one single pixel and refresh the page

trying to understand here what push could be made so you bypass the DNS privileges..and got this...a controller in ajax "...Cjax uses URL query string to pass parameters into the controller by using function parameters. You can pass alphabetic letters as parameter order to your methods inside the controllers. There is more than one way to pass parameters, depending on the way you are using the URL.."

follow me (my simple thinking...first this) what if you call a web page by the ip adress, modify the content html with just one pixel file, to make the key logging when you order to refresh the page on the browser...

For example, this address works fine:
But, this address does not work.

I want to make a keylogger not detect by the anti virus only in one pixel !!! I'm searching and i got this for start!

Friday, February 24, 2017

you need a symbolic link path (its available the tutorial ) installation on Tomcat first, so you can deploy a search engine like Sphinx damm find where are the java file txt (unsigned applet ..maybe...give me a break...) so you can read the only one , and security pixel, will give us the login we want!

Startup For Sphinx

We automate the sphinx service startup by editing /etc/rc.local and adding the following line before exit 0:
/usr/bin/searchd --pidfile --config /u/apps/vish/current/config/production.sphinx.conf

welcome back to war! again after an argument for an authenticate input (get my point will u..because i deserve it :) check it out :"I have a method within an unsigned applet which uses the following code to open a file.URL searchDataURL = new URL(getDocumentBase(), "data/filename.txt");InputStream inputStream = searchDataURL.openStream();This method is successful when called within the applet's init() method, but since version 1.4.2_01 of the JRE/Plug-in an exception is thrown when the same type of code is called from JavaScript using JavaScript to Java communication. The exception is:
" access denied( FILENAME read)"
More background information:
I have a cd-rom containing html pages which use JavaScript to dynamically generate html content. The JavaScript calls an unsigned Java applet to obtain a list of transactions which are displayed to the user. The applet is used as a search engine and provides no visual user interface (its size is set to a single pixel). When the applet is initialized it uses the openStream() method of a URL object pointing to a text file containing the information to search. There is no problem in this step since the file is located in a directory under the DocumentBase. The applet is able to read the transaction information and search the data. After the transactions are displayed the system allows the user to select a transaction to obtain more information and view any supporting images for the transaction. To determine if an image file is available, I have created a public method in my applet called doesFileExist which returns a boolean value. In the past this method has been able to create a URL object for the image file and use the openStream() method to determine if the file is present on the cd-rom. After upgrading to the Sun Java Plug-in version 1.4.2_01 this method is throwing an AccessControlException when attempting to read the image file"

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Information Society - Empty 3.0 INSOC accept no responsability for the influence of backwards messages

Mortiis-The Grudge

Pedro was saying he had a problem with sudden interruption of the root path ...its not kernel so...what they are doing is ...and what he can do is..


Hide blocks unless authorized with .htpasswd

Hide content based on basic authorization

This plugin is meant to be used on a PHP enabled server.
First you need a .htaccess in your root directory.
# Enable Basic Auth
AuthType Basic
AuthName "SomeDescription"
# Point to our password file
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
# Redirect all `*.html` to `*.php`
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ $1.php [L]
Then in a .htpasswd file, you can enter username/password pairs. Passwords are hashed using the MD5 algorithm. You can generate a password with
$ htpasswd /path/to/.htpasswd user1
or use this website
Here is an example .htpasswd
You can set the usernames using the plugins configuration in the book.json:
  "plugins": ["hidden"],
  "pluginsConfig": {
    "hidden": {
      "usernames": ["user1", "user2"],
      "path": "_book",
      "env": "production"
usernames: is an array of authorized users (default: [])
path: is the path to your generated html GitBook (default: _book)
envNODE_ENV value you want this plugin to be fully executed in. Useful for local development as this plugin breaks functionality of gitbook serve (default: production)
Now in your markdown, you can have hidden blocks:
{% hidden %}
### This will be hidden except for authorized users
{% endhidden %}

Hello guys! welcome back to war! Today my problem is how to install silently unity for running any program on the terminal; I need a cookie, this cookie comes in txt.file, because its the only argument to give input to the user attack ..(ugh i'm trying to explain my best simple way) ...then...most important answer from search is

Using cookies.txt file with Python Requests

I'm trying to access an authenticated site using a cookies.txt file (generated with a Chrome extension) with Python Requests:
import requests, cookielib

cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar('cookies.txt')
r = requests.get(url, cookies=cj)
It doesn't throw any error or exception, but yields the login screen, incorrectly. However, I know that my cookie file is valid, because I can successfully retrieve my content using it with wget. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I'm tracing cookielib.MozillaCookieJar._really_load and can verify that the cookies are correctly parsed (i.e. they have the correct values for the domainpathsecure, etc. tokens). But as the transaction is still resulting in the login form, it seems that wget must be doing something additional (as the exact same cookies.txt file works for it).
MozillaCookieJar inherits from FileCookieJar which has the following docstring in its constructor:
Cookies are NOT loaded from the named file until either the .load() or
.revert() method is called.
You need to call .load() method then.
Also, like Jermaine Xu noted the first line of the file needs to contain either # Netscape HTTP Cookie File or # HTTP Cookie File string. Files generated by the plugin you use do not contain such a string so you have to insert it yourself. I raised appropriate bug at
Session cookies are saved with 0 in the 5th column. If you don't pass ignore_expires=True to load() method all such cookies are discarded when loading from a file.
File session_cookie.txt:
# Netscape HTTP Cookie File TRUE    /   FALSE   0   name    value
Python script:
import cookielib

cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar('session_cookie.txt')
print len(cj)
Output: 0

Portugal Intel economics ( EDP)