Thursday, February 23, 2017

Pedro was saying he had a problem with sudden interruption of the root path ...its not kernel so...what they are doing is ...and what he can do is..


Hide blocks unless authorized with .htpasswd

Hide content based on basic authorization

This plugin is meant to be used on a PHP enabled server.
First you need a .htaccess in your root directory.
# Enable Basic Auth
AuthType Basic
AuthName "SomeDescription"
# Point to our password file
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
# Redirect all `*.html` to `*.php`
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ $1.php [L]
Then in a .htpasswd file, you can enter username/password pairs. Passwords are hashed using the MD5 algorithm. You can generate a password with
$ htpasswd /path/to/.htpasswd user1
or use this website
Here is an example .htpasswd
You can set the usernames using the plugins configuration in the book.json:
  "plugins": ["hidden"],
  "pluginsConfig": {
    "hidden": {
      "usernames": ["user1", "user2"],
      "path": "_book",
      "env": "production"
usernames: is an array of authorized users (default: [])
path: is the path to your generated html GitBook (default: _book)
envNODE_ENV value you want this plugin to be fully executed in. Useful for local development as this plugin breaks functionality of gitbook serve (default: production)
Now in your markdown, you can have hidden blocks:
{% hidden %}
### This will be hidden except for authorized users
{% endhidden %}

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