Sunday, September 1, 2019

intel folder yemen control of internet adenet service israel china

intel folder espionage Iran global data

To Iran...a special desk

intel my beloved family...the ones who escape the gas chambers and watch it until the end...

saudis Qeshm civil airlines, equipped with BAE systems, satelite image radars...Iran.

intel folder fake data ID CIA

intel folder tancos budapest cargolux luxembourg portugal

...about Cargolux...flying to Budapest, with Tancos explosives...behind it...i hv a lot of difficulties to put some cagatorio putaguese genetic in the midlea...

intel folder boieng 737 terrorism CIA

So...Boieng 737, 2 crashes, colombian Ethiopia airlines....some radioactive shit...and Ethiopia without aircrafts..good move...the crash had an IRA member and a chinese mafia...which were a big lost...on the other hand...737 was beeing constructed at China...whicj was a double cheeseburger...Im investing on Boieng again...but 150 euros a stock...come I robbing banks...

intel folder mossad iran cocaine technology

...reminds me dioxido ciganos Medellin...BitMap s the wall street stocks ...going fine...

intel folder cocaine colombia mossad

Crypto Capers crashes...explosive...arabic and cocaine LOL...nice photo

intel folder cocaine

la airline uniform and was working as a flight attendant for Copa Airlines.

intel folder

Coastal....vos otros conocen

Portugal Intel economics ( EDP)