Wednesday, August 23, 2017

TNTCrypter is a free professional tool for hashing and encrypting your files! Images

Main functions are:
  1. Text Hashing
  2. File Hashing
  3. Recursive File Hashing
  4. Text Encryption and Decryption
  5. File Encryption and Decryption
  6. Recursive File Encryption and Decryption
  7. Gzip Compression option before encrypting files
  8. Steganography Picture data Injection and Extraction
  9. Text Converting to and from Base64 strings
  10. File Comparison

Supported Algorithms:
  • Hash Algorithms: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA1, RIPEMD160, MD5, HMAC-SHA512, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-RIPEMD160 and HMAC-MD5. Note: HMAC hash algorithms require a password.
  • Hash Outputs: HEX-Lower Case, HEX-Upper Case and Base64.
  • Encryption/Decryption Algorithms: AES-256 bit, AES-192 bit, AES-128 bit, 3DES-168 bit, 3DES-112 bit and DES-56 bit. All these algorithms require three main fields: Password, IV and salt.
  • Modes of Operation: CBC, CFB and ECB.
  • Padding Standarts: PKCS7, ISO 10126, ANSI x.923 and Zero fill/padding.
  • Encryption Outputs: Base64 string or Encrypted File.
  • Compression algorithms: Only gzip (Deflate).
  • Steganography Pictures Input: JPG, PNG, Bitmap or TIFF.
  • Steganography Pictures Output: PNG or Bitmap.
  • Converter Outputs: Plain text or Base64 string.
Graphical User Interface:
  • MDI application
  • DPI aware
  • Responsive and Resizable
  • Intuitive GUI
  • Separate thread for GUI
  • Double buffered GUI
  • Hidden secret in Menu GUI (Crazy Harry)
Other specifications:
  • Resource friendly
  • Buffer settings for tuning performance
  • Default optimal buffer size (determined by multiple tests)
  • Multithreaded Application
  • Wide compatibility
  • Embedded FAQ
  • Embedded Debugging Options
  • Drag and drop file selections are available
  • Auto-agreement with license on application startup (no anoying popups)
  • Input and output text boxes support 'Ctrl+Scroll' temporary font size adjustment
  • Comparison field for file hashing with auto removal of ' ', '-' and ':'
  • No limitation for file size (can work with files bigger than 4 GB)
  • Recursive operations for up to 10 000 files
  • Drag and drop operations for up to 10 000 files
  • Can inject up to 1 MB file or 1.5 million characters of data into a picture
  • Can inject picture files with size of up to 12 MB
  • Can extract data from picture files with size of up to 128 MB
  • The executable file size is only 4.36 MB (4,573,184 bytes)
  • This tool is written in MS C#
  • Developed by Tony Karavasilev (Тони Каравасилев)
  • Portable (no installation required)
  • Free!
DarkJPEG is a new generation open source steganography web service. It is supposed to serve people's needs for the freedom of communication even in those countries which break human rights by forcing some kind of Internet censorship or even denying to use cryptography by law. The service uses strong steganography methods to hide the very fact of hiding data among with strong cryptography methods to protect the data of being read by non-trusted groups of people.
darkjpeg - JPEG steganography web service

good morning! Hello! welcome back to war! so as you all know when we visit NSA site, besides submask is not connected to the main network, (better is...) however if you nmap around you will find the elliptic curve...before the elliptic curve, or before..the NSA images on the site are encrypted with
Image Encryption Using Arnold Cat Map, Logistic Map, and Selective Technique
img-encrypt-decrypt - Image Encryption Using Arnold Cat Map, Logistic Map, and Selective Technique.

Man in the Rain