Wednesday, March 13, 2024

NATO Intel War ( My War last Intel for today NATO country members that won´t defend other NATO members And NATO´s Germany biggest worries IT WILL HV A PRICE )


2025 Germany Plan NATO Russia Intel (2)

2025 Germany Plan Leak NATO and Russia War Intel ( Back2War Again where´s my constitucional money gentlemen "The scenario ends 30 days after X-day. At that point, more than half a million Western and Russian soldiers, armed to the teeth, will face each other around the Suwalki Gap")

EU USA Finance Risk Ukraine Intel AI ( And Back Again and Again where´s my constitucional money gentlemen? EU´s and US national economies have loss billions of finance reserves to back up Ukraine´s policy hipocrisy which is not public. The Word of Honour was broken. AI concludes Ukraine´s File must be over)


Switerzland and Russia Intel (map AI ) ( Back2War where´s my constitucional money gentlemen? Artificial Inteligence concludes Switzerland is a "strategic" Russia partner BY blocking private funds EU AID 2Ukraine and against santions, it will gain territory Projection for 2030 EU finance losses are gigantic)


Man in the Rain