Saturday, June 23, 2018

welcome back to war! saturday, 21.00 pm! Again to nuclear explosives at MEMS size! ok, my conclusion over the amount of nickel 63 , which this draw is based, to produce 17.3 Kev...means a nano unit of Ni63; for the blast we are thinking about, we would need a blast power impact of 20.500 Kev...1.8 grms .... The great about this, is that...actually I already have the tritium  and so have you ! However, this is was created as a micro reactor, or a micro, we will need, to add here, the "fissile (any radioactive waste) which produces the fission" as gather on a primary explosive.

uranyl oxide+californium 252

on the picture which is uranyl oxide ....which is also radioactive waste, but this will give us what we don't have, U-235! the perfect substitute. Finally I discover that, the nano CIA dollar coin explosive, is exactly the chain reaction of PBX 9501 + uranyl oxide...for one reason...the critical mass ( =explosion multiplicity) can produce a division of neutrons, cabable of high destruction ( and high heating) the double of the volume of its size, but it looses neutrons by the surface area, so for instance, the minimal ammount for a fission reaction must be 780 gr of U-235 , in this case , the CIA nano explosive, is based on 3 concepts of Physics, the thermal neutrons reaction (thermocouples) + the high frequency rates of thermal reactions + and the "penetrator" (which initiates the fission=californium 252)
...back to war...08.05 am! Simplifying the nano to take off the thermocouple as an energy producer...confined the right explosive into a ring, PBX 9501...and ignite it by a touch of a hot wire external
saturday, 06.45 am, welcome back to war! I started my "special weekend", as a whoore of the "system" by waking up on my exclusive hotel, having a swim on the exclusive pool, drinking a fresh orange juice, and putting some very expensive creams on my face....then...I started working at nano size explosives...catch this ball Iran (Afghanistan, Sudan, Nigeria, Yemen, NK, Myanmar , etc...) Mr CIA goes everywhere with this dollar coin on his pocket, inside airplanes, all facilities...Mr. CIA is a very powerful man....

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)