Saturday, March 2, 2019

Spies and Radios

PORTUGAL 17745 Sudan Radio Service via Sines. On Feb 9 at 1627-1658*
UT. Noted with news clips talks in Sudanese,Horn of Africa Orchestra
selections by groups in vernaculars, Signal cut-in mid-programming. Feb
11. 1644-1657* Noted with talks in Sudanese, then balance of program
featured Musical selections by groups. Again signal was cut-in midprogramming. Have been trying for some time to get some sort of reception
on this frequency from this station but it seems that propagation is
starting to improve on the higher frequencies.
(Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN VE6EFK, DXplorer Feb 11)

PORTUGAL/KOREA Rep 6090KIM/9840SIN DWL Mandarin and KBS Arabic sections
exchange of bcast time in B-10. KBS Arabic via Sines-POR relay site
replaced 9430 by 9840 kHz.

UNIDENTIFIED. 14505-USB, May 23 at 1247, two-way in colloquial Spanish
so hard to understand, one with some lite engine noise in background
enough to keep the vox on during his pauses. Mentioned kilos, but also
pescados, so narcotraffickers or fishing poachers; or both? Still
going at 1310 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISENING DIGEST)

Portugal Intel economics ( EDP)