Wednesday, April 13, 2022

IRS hacking (hack folder)

 back to warfare!

😉 So logj4, was mitigated bcs they changed the default login...shame on me!
I hv some news today! Check it out!
Fastjson 1.2.47 remote command execution leak - Karatos
Fastjson 1.2.47 remote command execution leak - Karatos
1. Introduction to Vulnerability Fastjosn is undoubtedly the king of vulnerabilities in the past two years. One-handed deserialization of RCE has affected countless manufacturers. At present, the stability of versions below 1.2.48 is affected, and the Autotype version below 1.2.68 will be affected.....

Gd morning worldwide! I hv intel on "real" suspisiouse treadts of radioactive waste smuggling at Ukraine. This is not about, missiles hits on the major knowned nuclear waste at nuclear power centrals, but the so called NRP's. This is a crucial moment, to work on this matter, since, it looks like the muslum changed their attacking modus of operandis, I already read the israeli IDF reffering those "news". (Ukraine Intel)


Rivne , Ukraine 
Figure 6.1 left 

hello again! When we are checking intel info, we cross a lot of information, this photo is not Zaporizhzhia nuclear central, amid it was target the just same , but the neutron source laboratory at Karkhiv (that comes referenced as being at Kiev) (Ukraine Intel)


Portugal Intel economics ( EDP)