Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Ok, NSA, very very much ungrateful being at this level of computing, and special having no God damm effect over the "system" for the simplest reason, nobody here, understands shit about it! So, because we are here , in a very specific tribe...and I don't hv money for a cup of strawberries...check the next code
Elsa David A simple fun python script written to hide actual payload in image pixels and adding the loader to a PNG file.
wikijm/html_png_polyglot.py ( python)

# Simple script to have fun with PNG+HTML polyglot
# WARNING: This script is not optimised and just written for fun
# Author : Bharadwaj Machiraju
# Requirements: Pillow

import re
import sys
import struct
import argparse
import binascii

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Do some simple magic with PNG and not all PNG files are supported')
parser.add_argument('-i', dest='inp', required=True, help='path of the input PNG file')
parser.add_argument('-p', dest='payload', required=True, help='path of a payload HTML file')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='out', required=True, help='path for output polyglot')

args = parser.parse_args()

from PIL import Image

print("[*] Opening payload and converting to bit string")
payload = open(args.payload, 'r').read().encode('hex')
bin_payload = "".join('{:04b}'.format(int(c, 16)) for c in payload)

im = Image.open(args.inp).convert('RGBA')
pixels = im.load()
size = im.size[0]*im.size[1]

if len(bin_payload) > 3*size:
print("[*] Sorry, get a higher resolution image")

def change_lsb():
index = 0
for j in range(0, im.size[1]):
for i in range(0, im.size[0]):
temp_list = list(pixels[i, j])
for k in [0, 1, 2]:
temp_list[k] = ((pixels[i, j][k] & ~(1)) | (int(bin_payload[index])))
index += 1
pixels[i, j] = tuple(temp_list)
if index == len(bin_payload): return

print("[*] Hiding data in LSB")
print("[*] Saving intermediate PNG")

# Creating final PNG

print("[*] Opening intermediate png for adding loader")
hex_content = binascii.hexlify(open('intermediate.png', 'rb').read())
hex_array = [hex_content[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(hex_content), 2)]
o = open(args.out, 'wb')

# PNG Header
print("[*] Writing PNG header")

print("[*] Writing IHDR chunk")
ihdr_length = (4 + 4 + int(''.join(hex_array[8:12]), 16) + 4)
o.write(binascii.unhexlify(''.join(hex_array[8:8 + ihdr_length])))

loader = """

print("[*] Minifying loader html")
loader = re.sub("\n[\s]*", '', loader)
loader = re.sub("[\s]*=[\s]*", '=', loader)
loader = re.sub("[\s]*}[\s]*", '}', loader)
llader = re.sub("[\s]*{[\s]*", '{', loader)

print("[*] Writing iTXt chunk containing loader")
itxt_content_length = struct.pack(">i", len(loader)).encode('hex')
itxt_content = 'iTXt'.encode('hex') + loader.encode('hex')
itxt_crc = struct.pack(">i", binascii.crc32(itxt_content)).encode('hex')
o.write(binascii.unhexlify(itxt_content_length + itxt_content + itxt_crc))

print("[*] Writing the remaining data")
o.write(binascii.unhexlify(''.join(hex_array[8 + ihdr_length:])))

Elsa David this was written for fun NSA - National Security Agency
Responder1 min
Elsa David and I'm reading the code for fun, too

hey....meet this tool...what's ur first though...banks? laptops? vault trucks?
Power: 450W. This heat hot air gun can help you finish desoldering work easily. Suitable for most surface mount soldering and rework parts for desoldering various shielding…

high confidential product also arrived "act confidential"
practical study case. Ricardo Salgado is murder , with stolen weapons from the army. police servers are down. diamonds were found on a political party leader home. objective : 1 gefallen the government in 24 hours, change police servers and organization, assassinate politicians involved in diamonds corruption. national massive emails for a new political party.
Father, IoT will domain our lifes, from the moment we wake up, and even when we sleep. First thing we will do, its a biometric data reading, by touching the screen. the machine will tell you, your physical conditions (like blood pressure, glicemia) give you options, and also your psychological mood. The virus, is to plan a world coup d'état. the virus will indicate that sabotage, assassinations, and roberings are occurring, in world locations. By matrix the data, the virus will gather together groups of people, acting as they belong to that action, and actuating according, just by email . The virus will distribute a personality software, to each IP address, crossing biometric and psycho data. People will depend on their own options over their internet use, such as news feed, education, religion, entertainment. the objective of the virus is to change your DNA genetic behavior. therefore, elections will be controlled by the virus, any modification on the objective, and the virus starts again.
Dear Father..I have a mind challenge for you. Read carefully the objectiv of this game...why money is important, and its physiological weapon. Why sometimes, Good uses Evil...and how...could this game change Humankind. Let's call it Raid, World War III, and let's call the nazis, lots of world regions.
Buy RAID: World War II on PS4 for $39.00 at Mighty Ape NZ. In stock now. RAID: World War II is an action-packed four player cooperative shooter set during a time when the Nazi war machine was still winning, and hope was in ...
Hi everybody! Last night, dear Pope, send an envoy speaking in his behalf, among other questions, he asked me , what did I though about the old prophecy of the Messiah coming in our times, what if a dirty bomb would blast, would it become a better world or a worst one...Pope Francisco had a dream , that he was seated with me talking, he doesn't remember the conversation, and the Jesus appeared, and said, its done, the world changed forever! He asked me if I could know anyone who resembles Jesus face...The talk went along...and then I said...dear Father, some 5/6 years from now, IoT (internet of things) will turn tv obsolete, and all computing equipment will be modify, back there, a world virus will spread, and no nuclear war, could ever change the world the way this virus will. Forget the NSA, the chinese, the russians, because the virus is not governmental, neither the gov's hired the best. Jesus also told me, I could write that code. Dear Father, without Jesus, I could never write no code. So, here you have...God's plan. Do you believe God could exterminate us? or the intention is to modify us, as humans?

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)
