Sunday, February 24, 2019

SIS spy rome's what I know about this one! ..the CIA photographed him with the russian key, at Slovenia at 2015. SIS low his position as a preventive measure, therefore, "if" "even" the putaguese had something "important" from OTAN, which don't have, for 10 grand whatever was not important...maybe some spots at europe, and some little putaguese spies. SIS than made a honey trap, and placed a hooker on his life...(he was very in love for his ex little putaguese passion crimes everyday...poor little shit) ...than the hooker, well payed, informed he was going to Rome...the drones over the Kuwait embassy there, followed him, he was really sure for the turns he made by car, that his was not beeing followed, he gets in the cafe, delievers the 4 pages, the russian went to the bathroom, send it by email, he knew he was covered by the "extradition", didn't gave a shit! The confirmation of the cafe, was given by a chinese man owner of a restaurant just in front the cafe....what's the big joke? the big joke, is that actually the man was "exporting" olive oil for Russia, breaking the embargo! LOL ..I mean...exporting...LOL

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Ukraine Portugal Intel (Embassy destroyed )