Saturday, April 21, 2018

In January this year, I started building the nuclear IED, while I've already had been, on all radioactive sources available, time before; There are 6 government legal (of course) contractors, worldwide, supplying world countries, of scintillators, with cesium, thorium, etc...Epic China Co is one of them. Mr. Yu Mandy from Epic China Co. contacted me, to ask, if I was interested on purchasing that equipment. Mr. Yu was in fact, trying to check, how far would I go; This was the answer: I have in perspective, opening a firm of military radios manufacturing, that could have legal licence of importation, however that requires real investigators, therefore, probably needed to forgery appliance forms, and signatures inside the government; However, skipping the investigation research needed, a very unsuspected item, like metal detectors on buildings, could be much easier to, because in fact, all I needed was to you, insert the scintillators on the metal analysis shipment, and I'll need to open a firm, and close the firm, in 48 hours, without no licence required for the material, and if costumes interrogation, perfectly legal.
Elsa David what do you think Papa Francisco can radioactive substance be or not be smuggled ?
Responder28 min
Elsa David Ok Papa Francisco the legal permission of importation must follow to the desk of the exportation country government are two signatures and two seals needed
Responder13 min
Elsa David usually the material is excepted at the sea port by government authorities...that must not be...there
Responder10 minEditado
Elsa David so, the sea port, is now, at 2 miles of the shore
Responder10 min
Elsa David the license exist, so ...its just a precaution
Responder9 min
Elsa David the importation forms , must be signed and sealed, on each sheet at the right up corner
Responder5 min
Elsa David usually, the signature of the ministro adjunto of the PM is the signature needed
Responder4 min

Elsa David its on purpose .. because the stupid PM signature everybody knows what is it

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