Sunday, December 24, 2017

What's their security study, over intrusion in a nuclear facility:

the area entrance. Ejection of key nozzle, opening sensor, go to the building, (time before detection: 15 sec., detection probability: 0.9, time after detection: 30 sec
the fence. Climbing the fence and cutting concertinas, infrared barrier, go to the building, (time before detection: 15 sec., detection probability : 0.5, time after detection: 45 sec
the window. Cutting the protection grid and breaking the glass, broken glass sensor, go to the store airlock, (time before detection: 1 min 30 sec., detection probability : 0.5, time
after detection: 10 sec
the entrance door. Ejection of key nozzle, opening sensor, go to the store airlock,(time before detection: 25 sec., detection probability : 0.5, time after detection: 1 min 55 sec
the outer wall. Installation of the explosive, firing, clearing a way through, seismic sensor, go to the cabinet housing the target (time before detection: 1 min, detection probability: 0.99, time after detection: 1 min 30 sec.
the store airlock. Forcing the airlock first door, then the second door, volumetric sensor inside the airlock, go to the housing the target (time before detection: 30 sec., detection probability: 0.99, time after detection: 2 min
the target. Penetrating the store and cutting the door of the cabinet housing the target, with an electrical saw, opening detector, escape (time before detection: 2 sec., detection
probability: 0.8, time after detection: 4 min

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