Friday, November 1, 2019

explosives intel...x ray photos and cellulose acetate...terrorism folder

even if degradation of photo films are knowed by chemistry people, and its not difficult to find over the internet, that its obtaining nitrocellulose process, and therefore an explosive...I reach this searching by radioactive sources..which was a diffcult search...and yes, this photo films, have a percentage of thorium, specailly if the film is an x ray photo. But, I post this, long long years ago! What I want now, is to gather this derivate on fiber clothings..meaning explosive get inside the airplane..but! Nothing comes that easy LOL, so nitro works perfectaly ,but it needs an acid to be really nasty..and if not liquid, than we have this celulose acetate plastic balls..and now! we hv a seriouse explosive..suicider or not!

both thorium radioactive substance, and nitrocellulose...from an x ray can obtain , by placing the photo, inside a metalic container, and dropped under water, in a very dark and cold 3 weeks, you get the product

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