Monday, July 8, 2019

nuclear (intel)

good morning. welcome back to war. another week, monday, 08.58 am! Disarming this, could open the suitcase, would be with a heavy magnet over the electronics, to create static electricity. On the other hand, this suitcase, to be armed has to be closed, its 1st turn on the detonator timer, then a clearence code, then closed, then another clearence code. Calling the Kremlin, to disable the codes? means they hv to roll a military decrypter satelite, counting that the radio beeing used, is still available for access, which mighy just not be no more. My guess is, the Kremlin won't do that, risking exposing a decrypter satelite, without no asurance it would work that measure. The other aspect is, this suitcase, made to pass gamma ray detection, is dropped by air with a parashut, this means you can not drill a haul, to access the interior, bcz of the specific aluminium..

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