Wednesday, November 28, 2018

hello again. Last night..we talked about anarchism, with all its arguments for a better society. started with the example, of not being rules by any gov. code...who keeps money which is found at the street? ...naturally, who finds it first! that's natural order ruling natural disorder! Is "naturally" accepted"...; also, any crime, or conflit, would be solved "naturally" not by killing the offender, or by take him to prison, where we all have to pay, agreeing or not , with prison time...but by "exceplling" the subject out of our city, our region, our country..and then again, to an world without political frontiers! Conclusion was, and is, natural order is more fair than imposed order, democratic or not! and..more peacefull! Now that lead us, to the "The Island " movie, inspired on the Erasmu's (a girl) philosophy book "The Utopia" ! Where 200 actors are all nude, experiment to live on a Island where nature is gather with peace and justice...of course...the movie did not win no Cannes awards! envy..i suppose! and was not seen or talked by the media! Well...starting on Platus, defending that society should lived nude, and that's one of the aspects of equality, the fact is...a love story prooved to be the reason why that organization failed, at the end. So, anarchism, without a rule of decency, would fail. But having one written, rule, is breaking the philosophy. Therefore...the anarchism will rule, on the virtual world. That is, a non frontier political world, without no freedom limits...will determine, that, in the essential, of all the "systems", is to become domained by those who do not accept, bonds, or do not accept to live under the ruling of inferiors.

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