Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hi! Since 16.30 pm last afternoon...a gov private contractor, is controlling access to the "frequency" , and cutted for long hours...and when the business man wants he alouds access again for some few minutes. American gov private contractor. For the compadres , niet problema, their control over the cagatório remains. For my friends, particualry James and Sean, who, have their own motives and interessts, is pretty safe, I don't know them personally, and as far I know, no guns at problem. For the russians, I ow them a big shit here...but my safety depends on, either not going to any security affair and area, and keep my facebook...either, I don't take no profit out of this war. And I want to take profit of this war! For Gui and Pedro (happy birthday!) you already understood their hidden ports for this at here..we say good bye to the old status quo, and start a new one. The compadres know that I know they'r listening from "air"...And for "enemies" either org. institutions or out, any movemente and the putagueses pay a very high price. China... I'll be with you on my fake dead issue.

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Man in the Rain