Thursday, August 16, 2018

red mercury...

back to war...thursday, 19.20 pm! Let me guess this 1903, both, japonese, german and russians tried to transmutate mercury into gold! From a common decay chart , from Au197 decays first on Hg198 (beta) and then Hg197 (alpha) have here highly radioactive mercury...then...the these minds, tryied to sysntesize gold in a nuclear reactor...and " Gold can currently be manufactured in a nuclear reactor by irradiation either of platinum or mercury...." "..." Only the mercury isotope 196Hg, which occurs with a frequency of 0.15% in natural mercury, can be converted to gold by neutron capture, and following electron capture-decay into 197Au with slow neutrons. Other mercury isotopes are converted when irradiated with slow neutrons into one another or formed mercury isotopes, which beta decay into thallium. ...Using fast neutrons, the mercury isotope 198Hg, which composes 9.97% of natural mercury, can be converted by splitting off a neutron and becoming 197Hg, which then disintegrates to stable gold..." Let me mercury is the isotope irradiated on a nuclear reactor to produce gold?

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