Monday, June 4, 2018

Welcome back to war! Bioterrorism again! So, 1st info : Cladophora glomerata, a macrophytic green alga, is commonly found in the Great Lakes, and significant accumulations occur along shorelines during the summer months (also in India, south Asia, etc) ...Cladophora also harbor human pathogens....Cladophora has been shown to harbor high densities of the fecal indicator bacteria Escherichia coli and enterococci 2nd high infectious disease and antibiotic resistant 3rd it can be spread as a terrorism action, in recreation waters, like pools, or be spread by dropping some of the algaes on lakes which are not treated waters (in Portugal, on the pigs zone, like Lagoa Azul, Sintra ) after being spread, it will be transmmited by the hands

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US Politics intel donald trump heart attacks (BACK@WAR trump´s heart attacks history @CIA but this time he´s done)