pizza coming out!
- // Xilinx SDK includes
- #include "xparameters.h"
- #include
- #include
- #include "xtmrctr.h"
- #include "xio.h"
- #include
- // WARP includes
- #include "wlan_mac_low.h"
- #include "w3_userio.h"
- #include "radio_controller.h"
- #include "wlan_mac_ipc_util.h"
- #include "wlan_mac_802_11_defs.h"
- #include "wlan_mac_misc_util.h"
- #include "wlan_phy_util.h"
- #include "wlan_mac_jamming.h"
- #include "wlan_exp.h"
- #include "math.h"
- /*************************** Constant Definitions ****************************/
- #define NUM_LEDS 4
- // Wifi channel, where the jammer should operate on
- #define WIFI_CHANNEL 14
- // Packet buffer used to hold the jamming frame
- #define TX_PKT_BUF_JAM 7
- /*********************** Global Variable Definitions *************************/
- /*************************** Variable Definitions ****************************/
- static u8 eeprom_addr[6];
- static u8 jamming;
- static u8 showmacs;
- volatile u8 red_led_index;
- volatile u8 green_led_index;
- /**************************** Struct Definitions *****************************/
- typedef struct{
- u8 dsap;
- u8 ssap;
- u8 control_field;
- u8 org_code[3];
- u16 type;
- } llc_header;
- #define LLC_SNAP 0xAA
- static u8 OURMAC[6] = {0xDE,0xAD,0xBE,0xEF,0x01,0x01};
- static u8 JAMMAC[6] = {0xDE,0xAD,0xBE,0xEF,0x11,0x11};
- /******************************** Functions **********************************/
- inline void set_tx_power(u8 tx_pkt_buf, s8 power) {
- tx_frame_info* mpdu_info = (tx_frame_info*) (TX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(tx_pkt_buf));
- mpdu_info->params.phy.power = power; // dBm
- }
- inline void set_tx_ant_mode(u8 tx_pkt_buf, u8 antenna_mode) {
- tx_frame_info* mpdu_info = (tx_frame_info*) (TX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(tx_pkt_buf));
- mpdu_info->params.phy.antenna_mode = antenna_mode;
- }
- int main(){
- wlan_mac_hw_info* hw_info;
- xil_printf("\f");
- xil_printf("----- SEEMOO Reactive WiFi Jammer -------\n");
- xil_printf("----- v0.1 ------------------------------\n");
- xil_printf("----- wlan_mac_jamming ------------------\n");
- xil_printf("Compiled %s %s\n\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
- xil_printf("Note: this UART is currently printing from CPU_LOW. To view prints from\n");
- xil_printf("and interact with CPU_HIGH, raise the right-most User I/O DIP switch bit.\n");
- xil_printf("This switch can be toggled live while the design is running.\n\n");
- wlan_tx_config_ant_mode(TX_ANTMODE_SISO_ANTA);
- red_led_index = 0;
- green_led_index = 0;
- userio_write_leds_green(USERIO_BASEADDR, (1<<green_led_index));
- userio_write_leds_red(USERIO_BASEADDR, (1<<red_led_index));
- wlan_mac_low_init(WARPNET_TYPE_80211_LOW);
- hw_info = wlan_mac_low_get_hw_info();
- memcpy(eeprom_addr,hw_info->hw_addr_wlan,6);
- wlan_mac_low_set_frame_rx_callback((void*)frame_receive);
- wlan_mac_low_set_frame_tx_callback((void*)frame_transmit);
- wlan_mac_low_finish_init();
- // Set the WiFi channel
- if(radio_controller_setCenterFrequency(RC_BASEADDR, (RC_ALL_RF), RC_24GHZ, wlan_mac_low_wlan_chan_to_rc_chan(WIFI_CHANNEL)) >= 0) {
- xil_printf("WiFi Channel set to %d\n", WIFI_CHANNEL);
- } else {
- xil_printf("ERR: Setting the WiFi channel resulted in an error\n");
- }
- xil_printf("Initialization Finished\n");
- while(1){
- //Poll PHY RX start
- wlan_mac_low_poll_frame_rx();
- //Should check and handle push button events
- //push_button_checker();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Checks which push button is pressed and calls functions to handle this event
- */
- inline void push_button_checker() {
- if(userio_read_inputs(USERIO_BASEADDR) == W3_USERIO_PB_D){
- //xil_printf("FRAME PREPARE");
- mac_header_80211* header = (mac_header_80211*)(TX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(0)+PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_SIZE+sizeof(tx_frame_info));
- header->frame_control_1 = MAC_FRAME_CTRL1_SUBTYPE_DATA;
- header->frame_control_2 = MAC_FRAME_CTRL2_FLAG_FROM_DS;
- header->duration_id = 0;
- header->sequence_control = 0;
- //header->address_1 = OURMAC;
- memcpy(header->address_1, OURMAC, 6);
- memcpy(header->address_2, OURMAC, 6);
- memcpy(header->address_3, OURMAC, 6);
- set_tx_power(0,TX_POWER_MAX_DBM);
- set_tx_ant_mode(0,TX_ANTMODE_SISO_ANTA);
- frame_transmit(0,WLAN_PHY_RATE_BPSK12,(u16) 1000,NULL);
- xil_printf("FRAME SENT");
- while(userio_read_inputs(USERIO_BASEADDR) == W3_USERIO_PB_D){
- //do nothing
- }
- }
- if(userio_read_inputs(USERIO_BASEADDR) == W3_USERIO_PB_U){
- xil_printf(".");
- while(userio_read_inputs(USERIO_BASEADDR) == W3_USERIO_PB_U){
- //do nothing
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Handles reception of a wireless packet
- *
- * This function is called after a good SIGNAL field is detected by either PHY (OFDM or DSSS)
- * It is the responsibility of this function to wait until a sufficient number of bytes have been received
- * before it can start to process those bytes. When this function is called the eventual checksum status is
- * unknown. In NOMAC, this function doesn't need to do any kind of filtering or operations like transmitting
- * an acknowledgment.
- *
- * @param u8 rx_pkt_buf
- * -Index of the Rx packet buffer containing the newly recevied packet
- * @param u8 rate
- * -Index of PHY rate at which pcaket was received
- * @param u16 length
- * -Number of bytes received by the PHY, including MAC header and FCS
- * @return
- * - always returns 0 in NOMAC implementation
- */
- u32 frame_receive(u8 rx_pkt_buf, u8 rate, u16 length){
- //This function is called after a good SIGNAL field is detected by either PHY (OFDM or DSSS)
- //It is the responsibility of this function to wait until a sufficient number of bytes have been received
- // before it can start to process those bytes. When this function is called the eventual checksum status is
- // unknown. The packet contents can be provisionally processed (e.g. prepare an ACK for fast transmission),
- // but post-reception actions must be conditioned on the eventual FCS status (good or bad).
- //
- // Note: The timing of this function is critical for correct operation of the 802.11 DCF. It is not
- // safe to add large delays to this function (e.g. xil_printf or usleep)
- mac_header_80211* header = (mac_header_80211*)(RX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(rx_pkt_buf)+PHY_RX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_SIZE+sizeof(rx_frame_info));
- while(wlan_mac_get_last_byte()<=13+6){
- }
- if(wlan_addr_eq(header->address_1,JAMMAC)){
- mac_header_80211* header = (mac_header_80211*)(TX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(0)+PHY_TX_PKT_BUF_PHY_HDR_SIZE+sizeof(tx_frame_info));
- header->frame_control_1 = MAC_FRAME_CTRL1_SUBTYPE_DATA;
- header->frame_control_2 = MAC_FRAME_CTRL2_FLAG_FROM_DS;
- header->duration_id = 0;
- header->sequence_control = 0;
- //header->address_1 = OURMAC;
- memcpy(header->address_1, OURMAC, 6);
- memcpy(header->address_2, OURMAC, 6);
- memcpy(header->address_3, OURMAC, 6);
- set_tx_power(0,TX_POWER_MAX_DBM);
- set_tx_ant_mode(0,TX_ANTMODE_SISO_ANTA);
- frame_transmit(0,WLAN_PHY_RATE_BPSK12,(u16) 1000,NULL);
- //xil_printf("Address: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x \n",header->address_1[0],header->address_1[1],header->address_1[2],header->address_1[3],header->address_1[4],header->address_1[5]);
- }
- u32 state = wlan_mac_dcf_hw_rx_finish(); //Blocks until reception is complete
- //xil_printf("Address: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x \n",header->address_1[0],header->address_1[1],header->address_1[2],header->address_1[3],header->address_1[4],header->address_1[5]);
- if(state == RX_MPDU_STATE_FCS_GOOD){
- green_led_index = (green_led_index + 1) % NUM_LEDS;
- userio_write_leds_green(USERIO_BASEADDR, (1<<green_led_index));
- } else {
- red_led_index = (red_led_index + 1) % NUM_LEDS;
- userio_write_leds_red(USERIO_BASEADDR, (1<<red_led_index));
- }
- // Clear packet buffer for debugging reasons
- bzero((void *)(RX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(rx_pkt_buf)), 2048);
- // Set the OFDM and DSSS PHYs to use the same Rx pkt buffer
- wlan_phy_rx_pkt_buf_ofdm(rx_pkt_buf);
- wlan_phy_rx_pkt_buf_dsss(rx_pkt_buf);
- //Unblock the PHY post-Rx (no harm calling this if the PHY isn't actually blocked)
- wlan_mac_dcf_hw_unblock_rx_phy();
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Handles transmission of a wireless packet
- *
- * This function is called to transmit a new packet via the PHY. While the code does utilize the wlan_mac_dcf_hw core,
- * it bypasses any of the DCF-specific state in order to directly transmit the frame. This function should be called once per packet and will return
- * immediately following that transmission. It will not perform any DCF-like retransmissions.
- *
- * This function is called once per IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_READY message from CPU High. The IPC_MBOX_TX_MPDU_DONE message will be sent
- * back to CPU High when this function returns.
- *
- * @param u8 rx_pkt_buf
- * -Index of the Tx packet buffer containing the packet to transmit
- * @param u8 rate
- * -Index of PHY rate at which packet will be transmitted
- * @param u16 length
- * -Number of bytes in packet, including MAC header and FCS
- * @param wlan_mac_low_tx_details* low_tx_details
- * -Pointer to array of metadata entries to be created for each PHY transmission of this packet (eventually leading to TX_LOW log entries)
- * @return
- * -Transmission result
- */
- int frame_transmit(u8 pkt_buf, u8 rate, u16 length, wlan_mac_low_tx_details* low_tx_details) {
- //This function manages the MAC_DCF_HW core.
- u32 tx_status;
- tx_frame_info* mpdu_info = (tx_frame_info*) (TX_PKT_BUF_TO_ADDR(pkt_buf));
- u64 last_tx_timestamp;
- int curr_tx_pow;
- last_tx_timestamp = (u64)(mpdu_info->delay_accept) + (u64)(mpdu_info->timestamp_create);
- //Write the SIGNAL field (interpreted by the PHY during Tx waveform generation)
- wlan_phy_set_tx_signal(pkt_buf, rate, length);
- unsigned char mpdu_tx_ant_mask = 0;
- switch(mpdu_info->params.phy.antenna_mode) {
- mpdu_tx_ant_mask |= 0x1;
- break;
- mpdu_tx_ant_mask |= 0x2;
- break;
- mpdu_tx_ant_mask |= 0x4;
- break;
- mpdu_tx_ant_mask |= 0x8;
- break;
- default:
- mpdu_tx_ant_mask = 0x1;
- break;
- }
- mpdu_info->num_tx = 1;
- curr_tx_pow = wlan_mac_low_dbm_to_gain_target(mpdu_info->params.phy.power);
- wlan_mac_MPDU_tx_params(pkt_buf, 0, 0, mpdu_tx_ant_mask);
- //Set Tx Gains
- wlan_mac_MPDU_tx_gains(curr_tx_pow,curr_tx_pow,curr_tx_pow,curr_tx_pow);
- //Before we mess with any PHY state, we need to make sure it isn't actively
- //transmitting. For example, it may be sending an ACK when we get to this part of the code
- while(wlan_mac_get_status() & WLAN_MAC_STATUS_MASK_PHY_TX_ACTIVE){}
- //Submit the MPDU for transmission - this starts the MAC hardware's MPDU Tx state machine
- wlan_mac_MPDU_tx_start(1);
- wlan_mac_MPDU_tx_start(0);
- //Wait for the MPDU Tx to finish
- do{
- if(low_tx_details != NULL){
- low_tx_details[0].phy_params.rate = mpdu_info->params.phy.rate;
- low_tx_details[0].phy_params.power = mpdu_info->params.phy.power;
- low_tx_details[0].phy_params.antenna_mode = mpdu_info->params.phy.antenna_mode;
- low_tx_details[0].chan_num = wlan_mac_low_get_active_channel();
- low_tx_details[0].num_slots = 0;
- low_tx_details[0].cw = 0;
- }
- tx_status = wlan_mac_get_status();
- if(low_tx_details != NULL){
- low_tx_details[0].tx_start_delta = (u32)(get_tx_start_timestamp() - last_tx_timestamp);
- last_tx_timestamp = get_tx_start_timestamp();
- }
- switch(tx_status & WLAN_MAC_STATUS_MASK_MPDU_TX_RESULT){
- return 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- } while(tx_status & WLAN_MAC_STATUS_MASK_MPDU_TX_PENDING);
- return -1;
- }
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