Friday, February 23, 2018

We had a problem, but we don't have it no more :) vacuum cold reduction of depleted uranium machinery, are only two companies, pretentious asshools, ok? Now... its impossible to divide the process, like, put your hands inside vacuum machine, mix the critical mass, and then take it out for using another machine for pressing (reduction) (this reduction, will turn the uranium which is nano sized 0.3 nano (another part of the question...) on metal rods (rods that are called fuel, on the nuclear reactors) ...its what we need , rods...! So, there's another preparation, called heat treatment bath of uranium, and then ultrasonic (heat control) cold reduction machine .... the bath of uranium, must be with borosilicate glass ; which is barium glass (ok barium, the unique replacement chemical of the density of lead), and in that case, we coat, bind, the uranium, and then we can reduce....two different steps, safely.

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