Thursday, August 17, 2017

FBI target Snowden's account and have it themslfs for their informants The magma server daemon, is an encrypted email system with support for SMTP, POP, IMAP, HTTP and MOLTEN,. Additional support for DMTP and DMAP is currently in active development.

The magma server daemon, is an encrypted email system with support for SMTP, POP, IMAP, HTTP and MOLTEN,. Additional support for DMTP and DMAP is currently in active development.
Latest commit fc0dffc 10 days ago@ladar ladar committed on GitHub Update


Magma was originally designed and developed by Ladar Levison for The current release is currently under heavy development, and some of the features and functions contained herein are unstable. The SMTP, POP, and IMAP protocol handlers are reasonably mature. The DMTP, DMAP and HTTP implementations (along with the bundled webmail system) are still in development. Happy hacking.



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