Saturday, April 29, 2017

Xerum 525 and Red Mercury

welcome back to war! "The compound represented "mercury antimony salt of the formula Hg2Sb2O7" and it was first produced in the USSR close to <"Research Institute In the field of physics and high energy ">in Dubna in 1968...Due to the presence of [Xerum-525] Bell SS was more than plasma machine with high voltage using the opposite rotation of the cylinders ...represents a reactor intended for release nuclear power caused by the rotation of very high speed plus constant ripple DC high voltage..Fuel Bell is particularly isotopes such as hafnium and tantalum which are izomeres. Most isomers have a very short half-life but tantalum with 180 atomic mass units is extremely long!10 quadrillion years! For tantalum is believed to be linked to exploding stars and with supernovae.Hafnium is 178 atomic mass units another isomer short half-life of 31 years but hyperexcitability. It gives quarter kiloton energy than a kilogram in the form of gamma rays. Research by DARPA as possible explosive.
What has?
-isomers release energy with a change in his spin.
-nuclear magnetic resonance and gravity are the the scientific sphere professor Walter Gerlach project manager of Bell.
-Bell has worked with heavy radioactive substance Xerum-525 pretty salty with isotopes radioactive compound partially based on mercury.
-Red mercury is explosive which exploded hydrogen bombs without the need for a nuclear bomb.
-Xerum-525 is enshrined in both cylinders Bell which rotates at tremendous speed.
-nowadays out materials on the Internet about US magnetic UFO TR-3B with the same propulsion system..

Niobium, Hafnium, Tantalum, & Vanadium Alloys 


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