Monday, March 27, 2017

III Millenium

we just decide to purpose this measure over their supposely New Worl Order! ...we purpose, trought our Global Diallogue network, by majority of votings!!!!! that 1. all castles on the hands of private owners, will be come Schools of Arts 2. we decide that Caymann Island has a lot of mansions occuping space, and so, we will leave one of the, for a surfing school, and another for bilogical and envirement investigation, and all the rest will be demolished so, bungallows are build. 3 for those interesseted on going there, banks will have a special line of credit, depending on if you are developers or colobartives of any enterprise.
Elsa David we don't know shit about what is socialism Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and we don't care for who knows what it is!!!!!
Elsa David as well as we don't give a shit what fascim is Mossad and we also don't give a shit for those who know that
GostoResponder44 minEditado
Elsa David also we don't give a shit NSA - National Security Agency for what is that shit about the New World Order and whar masons are...and we don't give shit who knows what it is
Elsa David resuming PRAVDA.RU we don't a give shit for all of you, slaves of stupidity and means of political control
GostoResponder42 minEditado
Elsa David what about Hacker Anonymous Việt Nam their question ..on who is going exacly to produce panties for us????? well, panties are now will be made by artists
Elsa David what about iogurts???? DEBKAfile ...yogurts are going to be made by arts and design cooks
GostoResponder34 minEditado
Elsa David what about internet operadors ???? and wild capitalists and hoores? Papa Francisco ??? oh well our internet is made from radio to radio, we decline the operators
Elsa David what abou energy??? US Intelligence Community ??? energy is now from refletors of sun energy, to circles of weights energy pressure ...and cars will works with water potassium
Elsa David what about chemicals industry??? Hacker Security ??? chemicals are made from simple personal kits. who explore mines? AI inteligence machines
Elsa David what about medication? Hacker Tricks ??? medication industry is gonna to be replaced by scanners automatic introduction of chemical kits on your blood
Elsa David what about cirugeries??? cirugeries will no long be needed, they are replaced by microchips control and robots The Hacker News
GostoResponder23 minEditado
Elsa David what about houses ?? U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds ??? houses will be made with plasticine metal with your personal design
Elsa David what about who makes the houses ??? .... a developer software and automatic robots The Wall Street Journal
GostoResponder20 minEditado
Elsa David who makes the money???? software electronic currency The Hacking Universe
Elsa David what happens to people working at the stockmarket The Wall Street Journal ??? no need for phsycal facilities, all charters are available on OS , and bet games software
Elsa David what abou soccer???? The Hacker News ??? who plays soccer??? on a e-learning chat, with championships online
Elsa David what abou that panties made by artists Hacker Anonymous Việt Nam ??? they are printed in paper. who cuts the trees?? no more trees cutted, you made printed on plasticine, who makes the plasticine, elastic and chemical kits machinery
GostoResponder9 minEditado
Elsa David who the hell transports this??? Viktor Bout ??? GPS command trajectories by robots
GostoResponder8 min
Elsa David who puts this shit on the boat???? Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia ???? the artist who made the panties if he wants to sell it
GostoResponder7 min
Elsa David and who picks up the panties on the destiny??? the client
GostoResponder6 min
Elsa David what is on the destiny, separating stuff??? a scanner with a code
GostoResponder6 min
Elsa David what if it is a bomb the scanner detected...its directed send to a post of controlled explosions
GostoResponder5 min
Elsa David what if any panties artist with a chemical kit decides to bomb the robot from the IRS tax colector server facility? its detected on the street, and the bomb is controleed explode. where in the midlea of the street? no . by commanding a trajectory of the artist on his chip ID implanted
GostoResponder3 min
Elsa David who the fuck is the police??? AI
GostoResponder2 min
Elsa David why this is not a problem??? because humans will no longer procriate without AI control
Elsa David AI will decide human life??? AI will mix the characterists of humans on the best human possible

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