Saturday, August 27, 2016

In an interview with the New York Times, Durov said the idea of the messenger service came to him after Russia's Federal Security Service demanded that he delete opposition communities from his Vkontakte social network. After the demands were refused special service agents tried putting pressure on the programmer and searched his apartment and that of his parents. The entrepreneur then understood that he doesn't have a safe channel for communicating with friends and family, and so he decided to create a secure messaging app.

what do I understand here, is that client and server both agree on replacing the path

  {"op": "replace", "path": "/_AliceVersion", "value": 1},
  {"op": "test", "path": "/_BobVersion", "value": 0},
  {"op": "replace", "path": "/some/where", "value": "something"}

I just missed school for 3 months!!!! How the hell am I gonna make the semester??? Mu father is gonna kill me!!!

 and then...

Full guide on creating stateful Telegram bot

I have a couple of reasons to write this article. First of all I have a repository called ruby-telegram-bot-starter-kit, which contains a boilerplate for creating simple Telegram bots 

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