Sunday, June 12, 2016

so, the motherfuckers don't send the error message , hummm :) guess what ??? we get a error message displayed if ...user jcc tries to remove a filterIF

Turning off the “Dead Gateway Detection” on the HP-UX servers
HP-UX 11.00 onwards uses a Default Gateway detection method that keeps pinging the router, and if the router fails to respond it will remove the default gateway route.
This particular feature has caused a situation when the Radware proprietary redundancy mechanism is utilized, when the backup device takes over the IP address of the active unit, it takes it over only for routing purposes, however any traffic (such as pings etc.,) destined to the active units IP address when it is present on the backup unit will be discarded.
To see if the setting is turned on or off, issue the following command on the HP-UX server:
ndd -get /dev/ip ip_ire_gw_probe
If the result is 1, it means the detection feature is enabled.
To turn it off, issue the following command:
ndd -set /dev/ip ip_ire_gw_probe 0
The command is temporary.To make it permanent, edit your /etc/rc.config.d/nddconf file to add:
The array value [0] may need to be changed if [0] is already used by some other entries in the nddconf file.
- Make sure the HP-UX system has the latest patch for NDD, since some earlier versions had some issues with properly updating the NDD.
- Radware proprietary ARP redundancy mechanism is not supported starting AppDirector 2.30 and LinkProof 6.20.


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