"Supposedly the formula of "Red Mercury"
>Did this ever exist or was it a post communist hoax ?
>One theory came to me via AEC Pelindaba, that it was neutron enriched
>Mercury which could be used to miniturise nuclear devices.
>Alan Kidger of Thor Chemicals was murdered over his involvement in Red
The way to approach this problem of verifying the existence and reports surrounding red mercury is the same as the approach to any dubiously verifiable set of circumstances. Look for any authoritative record concerning the amalgam involved and, if none exists, as I am sure none does in this case, look for any such record of the amalgamating compound, Hg2Sb2O7.
The International Chemical Register No. for this is 20720-76-7. If you try to repeat the synthesis of this compound in accordance with Dr. Sleight's report of 1968 in the Journal of Inorganic Chemistry my bet is you'll come to the same conclusion about it as myself. You can produce the red-brown compound he describes with a low stability and X-ray analysis that do not match his specifications. Or you can stabilise it to a light grey compound with high stability (does not even melt below ~1,000 degrees C) which provides an X-ray scan that certainly does match his specifications, right down to the relative intensities of the reflection peaks.
In short, Dr. Sleight appears to have lost HgO after producing the ternary oxide Hg2Sb2O7 and produced Hg3Sb4O13, a combination of the meta- and pyro-antimonate. Although this compound was hypothetical, my X-ray analysis of the oxide expelled from the compound as it was stabilised and quantitative analyses of the initial product, the stabilised residue and lost oxide confirm its existence. I have repeated the entire process 5 times without any deviation in the result. The final compound stains the melting surface of pyrex glass to a ruby-glass effect but, though it adsorbs onto the surface of mercury easily enough, I do not have the equipment to pressurize it into the element and find out if it forms a stable amalgam.
Red mercury is coming back...
Undoubtly that's an hoax to protect other discovery and to work as little
bells to each guy willing to speack about something they don't know.
An institute of St Petersburg has placed a patent in 1995 to produce
Hg2Sb2O7, good quality and stability (pyroantimoniate of mercury)... This
patent has been published (not classified). Red-brown color...I baught a
copy of this patent
to national Russian organisation for patents "SoyuzPatent", no problem. I've
the translation in French if someone is interested I'm able to send the
translation in French (you need to request it to my e-mail adress), (easier
than Russian I suppose for a majority of this NG).
You gave the name of a guy been killed for that, he hasn't been alone : in
1993 a plane sunk in Lugano's Lake at the boarder between Switzerland and
Italy (5
persons...) Police concluded it was in connexion with a mafia deal with Red
It was said company Promecologia in Ekaterinburg was the lonely producer of
Hg2Sb2O7 under state license. I visited many times Ekaterinburg. This
company has fallen in bankruptcy some years ago.
Don't dream anymore about that.
A friend of mine, head of the Chair of inorganic chemistry in a Russian
State University said : That's very dangerous for mice and rates...
By way of reply I should like to refer you to the introduction to
Part II of a book I have been writing since 1994 on this subject:-
'In April 1996 two things happened which gave new direction
to my researches into this compound. One was that a correspondent to
the ‘’ Internet website, Erick Singley, provided the
International Chemical Register (ICR) Number for it; 20720-76-7. The
other was that a book published in ’95, ‘The Mini-nuke Conspiracy’,
came to my attention. It contained the ICR number plus the name of the
chemist, Dr. Sleight, who had synthesized one or more allotropes of it
for the American explosives manufacturer Du Pont de Nemours, in ’68.
Using this information I easily found the chemical abstract (or note
concerning the experimental report) in volume 69 of the Chemical
Abstract Services’ (CAS) output, abstract number 71239v.
The description appearing against the ICR number would not
inspire much confidence in anyone unfamiliar with the one available
in ‘The Mini-nuke Conspiracy’, where it is described as ‘a mercury salt
of antimonic acid’:-
20720-76-7 Antimonic acid (H4Sb2O7 ), mercury (2+) salt (1:2)
H4O7 Sb2 .2Hg
However, anyone who had attempted to produce the compound
using reaction (2) on page 3 of Part I* would recognise the reactants
referred to. Unless they had a supply of oxygen available they would
also recall their observation of the ease with which mercury is
liberated from a compound when it is heated in solution. My own
experiences with this method were so disappointing that I did not even
include it in my test reports. The thing to remember about its
limitations is that they only obtain for the thermally unstable
allotropic forms of the compound. Another situation hardly calculated
to inspire confidence in the procedure is J.R. Partington’s reference
to antimonic and antimonious acids in his ‘Textbook of Inorganic
Chemistry’, where he states that their existence is ‘extremely
doubtful’. Antimonic acid’s formula appears against ‘Antimony
oxyhydrate’ in R.C. Weast’s ‘Handbook of Chemistry and Physics’.
Now, if the ICR description is considered inconclusive
what may be said of the one in the abstract? I had already examined the
CAS Subject Index for 1967-71 before April ’96 during the course of a
trawl through the service’s indices, looking for mercury salts of all
possible descriptions. The sought-after compound appeared as:-
mercury (2+) salt (1:2)[20720-76-7], crystal structure of,
69 :71239v '
* (2) 2HgO + H4Sb2O7 => Hg2Sb2O7 + H2O
Whatever else it may be, mercuric pyro-antimoniate is clearly not a
dream. As to the amalgam it produces when pressurized with mercury and
an actinide within a neutron-rich environment, this supposedly being
the means by which red mercury is produced, well, who knows?
There's another way to produce Hg2Sb2O7 discribed in the Russian patent
2036149 placed by Mr A.E.Chirinsky working at Institute for technological
simulation a Petersburg subsidiary of Russian Academy of science. This
patent having not been exented in validity elsewhere than Russia, everybody
is able to use this process excepted in Russia where you need a licence to
In fact Chirinsky uses acetic solution of mercury plus potassium hydroxyde
in reaction with potassium hexahydroxyantimoniate.
In this patent the process described by W.Sleight is took as reference for a
bad production of Hg2Sb2O7 and to prove the process described is a real
The full text of the patent is for sale at : NPO Poďsk of Rospatent 113035
Moscow ,J-35, Raouchskaya nab, 4/5
Thanks v. much for your response. It wouldn't surprise me if Dr. Arthur
Sleight's experimental method really was flawed and I'm always keen on
finding out about different ways of combining antimony and mercury in a
double oxide. I tried different methods of achieving this for 14 years
before hearing about red mercury, due to my interest in chinese and
medieval european alchemy. Is the above address for the patent complete?
The above adress was right in 1996, things are moving so quikly in Russia
right now....
On that time I had a trouble to pay the patent due the fact the bank account
of Rospatent was cancelled in the West... One year later I've been able to
pay the amount of something near $40. In any case a patent attorney is able
to give you the right adress updated, bank account and so on. Delivery time
three days after the request by fax.
I hope you are reading Russian language. I proposed to send you a french
translation through e-mail. As you want.
For this patent you have to know : first requisition July 16th 1992, patent
delivered May 27th 1995.
If you are interested by old alchemia, there's new concepts running on cold
fusion and results are excellent. There's a junction between modern concepts
and old european alchemia. It depends what you are looking for. There's some
very good specialist in Italy, experiments are running through Berthollet's
powder, and experiments are running... Due to the fact a such powder is
involved, perhaps there's somebody in this newsgroup having other good
Be sure red mercury has nothing to deal with alchemia and cold fusion, red
mercury is only an hoax.
Cold fusion and alchemia are running in the field of electrons, a new model
putting partially "off" Bohr's model of atom, but that's a too long story to
put on a NG.
You are thinking red mercury is running with neutrons, you are wrong.
When you will be successful to produce red mercury (no doubt you are a good
chemist), please send me 50 grams for my private collection of crazy
products without any use in my office show room, I've planty of other
Thanks for the tip about Berthollet's Powder and the details available
in another message. The amount of gold involved, 0.6g, is reminiscent
of the amounts produced by one Dr. James Price, in 1782, during his
demonstration experiments in front of the Royal Society. These ranged
from 6 to 11 grains of gold, produced by the action of Price's 'red
powder' upon heated mercury. Later he transmuted mercury to yield 120
grains of gold as a presentation to George III, who was so impressed
that he ordered a regular gold supply from Price, to help with the war
effort. As anyone familiar with reports of the amounts of Philosopher's
Stone created by any one alchemist and the few grams of gold generated
in the course of a typical transmutation can testify, the king's
expectations were completely unrealistic and led to Price's suicide.
The official account of his demonstrations before the Royal Society is
available at <http.www.levity.com/alchemy/ dr_price.html>. Incidentally,
wasn't Berthollet a celebrated Swedish chemist in the early 1800's,
which would make him a near contemporary of Price?
First I would like to add and confirm this experiment has nothing to deal
with Hg2Sb2O7
Experiments are performed according to the receipe of Roberto A. Monti.
Italian citizen.
The cost of the gold produced is much more higher than the price of gold in
a bank...
Not possible to make a fortune with this receipe.
As complementary explanation :
Mr Claude Berthollet (1748-1822) french citizen, chemist, has discovered
whitening properties of hypochlorites and prepared chlorates to be used in
powders, and he developped some new powders with chlorates.
He discovered composition of acids and bases and began together with Mr
Lavoisier to perform a classification of chemicals products. He gave the
basic rules of chemical reaction : salt + salt; acid+base, acid + salt...
He was comptemporary of Price but at my knowledge has never been in
To have Berthollet's powder you replace KNO3 in the gun powder by chlorate,
with necessary stoechiometirc adaptation.
At that time chemistry and alchemia weren't dissociated. The wellknown
experiment of Mr Lavoisier having determined the composition of the air
after having been boiling mercury during three weeks.. Mr Lavoisier wasn't
looking for air analysis, he was looking for something in the field of
The main advantage of alchemia is : Alchemia has always been a very good
engine to push guys to find something, to perform experiment and to try to
explain something.
Right now the "cold fusion" is the new name of alchemia.
Time to time cold fusion is working and we don't know all criterias (see US
Navy report, NAWCWPNS by Melvin Miles), time to time transmutation to gold
is successful (with the same ratio !!!) and we don't know why...One
experiment producing 0.605 g of gold may be considered as an excellent
result. The same experiment some weeks later and the result = zero may be
considered as : all parameters haven't been identified...
I understand absolutely how Price has been disappointed, but in any case I
don't want to take my life for a such reason
If it was so simple, the trick would have flown in the wind after centuries.
If you have gold performing an amalgam with mercury it's very easy to verify
by mass spectrometer..
To do an hoax for yourself has no interest.
The problem is arising when you have not the ray of gold before the
experiment in the components and when you obtain a clear ray of gold on the
mass spectrometer after the experiment with the help of Berthollet's powder.
The first reaction is to think your mass spectrometer is "out"... you ask
for a maintenance, but the guy performing the maintenance / calibration of
the mass spectrometer is saying : It's OK, no problem.
At this point you have the "problem".
It would have been much more simple if the result of the first experiment
would have been zero, no test to perform any more.
Such experiments are done for "fun", seriously, but for "fun".
I prefer to work with Al Ultra fine powder, the target is much more serious
Thanks for the additional info. The combination for Berthollet's Powder
that you describe, KClO3 + C + S, looks as if it could have figured in
Berthollet and Lavoisier's experiments in the 1780's, particularly the
demonstration involving chlorate in which two daughters of french
government officials were killed. Lavoisier seems to have eclipsed his
colleague unjustifiably in chemical history. What about adding the
powder to Hg3Sb4O13 to red heat to observe any extra oxidation of
sulphur and carbon, like from the next room? At least I confused
Berthollet with Berzelius rather than Berthelot, so at least I was in
the right century. A pity they had to have such similar names.
>Did this ever exist or was it a post communist hoax ?
>One theory came to me via AEC Pelindaba, that it was neutron enriched
>Mercury which could be used to miniturise nuclear devices.
>Alan Kidger of Thor Chemicals was murdered over his involvement in Red
The way to approach this problem of verifying the existence and reports surrounding red mercury is the same as the approach to any dubiously verifiable set of circumstances. Look for any authoritative record concerning the amalgam involved and, if none exists, as I am sure none does in this case, look for any such record of the amalgamating compound, Hg2Sb2O7.
The International Chemical Register No. for this is 20720-76-7. If you try to repeat the synthesis of this compound in accordance with Dr. Sleight's report of 1968 in the Journal of Inorganic Chemistry my bet is you'll come to the same conclusion about it as myself. You can produce the red-brown compound he describes with a low stability and X-ray analysis that do not match his specifications. Or you can stabilise it to a light grey compound with high stability (does not even melt below ~1,000 degrees C) which provides an X-ray scan that certainly does match his specifications, right down to the relative intensities of the reflection peaks.
In short, Dr. Sleight appears to have lost HgO after producing the ternary oxide Hg2Sb2O7 and produced Hg3Sb4O13, a combination of the meta- and pyro-antimonate. Although this compound was hypothetical, my X-ray analysis of the oxide expelled from the compound as it was stabilised and quantitative analyses of the initial product, the stabilised residue and lost oxide confirm its existence. I have repeated the entire process 5 times without any deviation in the result. The final compound stains the melting surface of pyrex glass to a ruby-glass effect but, though it adsorbs onto the surface of mercury easily enough, I do not have the equipment to pressurize it into the element and find out if it forms a stable amalgam.
Red mercury is coming back...
Undoubtly that's an hoax to protect other discovery and to work as little
bells to each guy willing to speack about something they don't know.
An institute of St Petersburg has placed a patent in 1995 to produce
Hg2Sb2O7, good quality and stability (pyroantimoniate of mercury)... This
patent has been published (not classified). Red-brown color...I baught a
copy of this patent
to national Russian organisation for patents "SoyuzPatent", no problem. I've
the translation in French if someone is interested I'm able to send the
translation in French (you need to request it to my e-mail adress), (easier
than Russian I suppose for a majority of this NG).
You gave the name of a guy been killed for that, he hasn't been alone : in
1993 a plane sunk in Lugano's Lake at the boarder between Switzerland and
Italy (5
persons...) Police concluded it was in connexion with a mafia deal with Red
It was said company Promecologia in Ekaterinburg was the lonely producer of
Hg2Sb2O7 under state license. I visited many times Ekaterinburg. This
company has fallen in bankruptcy some years ago.
Don't dream anymore about that.
A friend of mine, head of the Chair of inorganic chemistry in a Russian
State University said : That's very dangerous for mice and rates...
By way of reply I should like to refer you to the introduction to
Part II of a book I have been writing since 1994 on this subject:-
'In April 1996 two things happened which gave new direction
to my researches into this compound. One was that a correspondent to
the ‘
International Chemical Register (ICR) Number for it; 20720-76-7. The
other was that a book published in ’95, ‘The Mini-nuke Conspiracy’,
came to my attention. It contained the ICR number plus the name of the
chemist, Dr. Sleight, who had synthesized one or more allotropes of it
for the American explosives manufacturer Du Pont de Nemours, in ’68.
Using this information I easily found the chemical abstract (or note
concerning the experimental report) in volume 69 of the Chemical
Abstract Services’ (CAS) output, abstract number 71239v.
The description appearing against the ICR number would not
inspire much confidence in anyone unfamiliar with the one available
in ‘The Mini-nuke Conspiracy’, where it is described as ‘a mercury salt
of antimonic acid’:-
20720-76-7 Antimonic acid (H4Sb2O7 ), mercury (2+) salt (1:2)
H4O7 Sb2 .2Hg
However, anyone who had attempted to produce the compound
using reaction (2) on page 3 of Part I* would recognise the reactants
referred to. Unless they had a supply of oxygen available they would
also recall their observation of the ease with which mercury is
liberated from a compound when it is heated in solution. My own
experiences with this method were so disappointing that I did not even
include it in my test reports. The thing to remember about its
limitations is that they only obtain for the thermally unstable
allotropic forms of the compound. Another situation hardly calculated
to inspire confidence in the procedure is J.R. Partington’s reference
to antimonic and antimonious acids in his ‘Textbook of Inorganic
Chemistry’, where he states that their existence is ‘extremely
doubtful’. Antimonic acid’s formula appears against ‘Antimony
oxyhydrate’ in R.C. Weast’s ‘Handbook of Chemistry and Physics’.
Now, if the ICR description is considered inconclusive
what may be said of the one in the abstract? I had already examined the
CAS Subject Index for 1967-71 before April ’96 during the course of a
trawl through the service’s indices, looking for mercury salts of all
possible descriptions. The sought-after compound appeared as:-
mercury (2+) salt (1:2)[20720-76-7], crystal structure of,
69 :71239v '
* (2) 2HgO + H4Sb2O7 => Hg2Sb2O7 + H2O
Whatever else it may be, mercuric pyro-antimoniate is clearly not a
dream. As to the amalgam it produces when pressurized with mercury and
an actinide within a neutron-rich environment, this supposedly being
the means by which red mercury is produced, well, who knows?
There's another way to produce Hg2Sb2O7 discribed in the Russian patent
2036149 placed by Mr A.E.Chirinsky working at Institute for technological
simulation a Petersburg subsidiary of Russian Academy of science. This
patent having not been exented in validity elsewhere than Russia, everybody
is able to use this process excepted in Russia where you need a licence to
In fact Chirinsky uses acetic solution of mercury plus potassium hydroxyde
in reaction with potassium hexahydroxyantimoniate.
In this patent the process described by W.Sleight is took as reference for a
bad production of Hg2Sb2O7 and to prove the process described is a real
The full text of the patent is for sale at : NPO Poďsk of Rospatent 113035
Moscow ,J-35, Raouchskaya nab, 4/5
Thanks v. much for your response. It wouldn't surprise me if Dr. Arthur
Sleight's experimental method really was flawed and I'm always keen on
finding out about different ways of combining antimony and mercury in a
double oxide. I tried different methods of achieving this for 14 years
before hearing about red mercury, due to my interest in chinese and
medieval european alchemy. Is the above address for the patent complete?
The above adress was right in 1996, things are moving so quikly in Russia
right now....
On that time I had a trouble to pay the patent due the fact the bank account
of Rospatent was cancelled in the West... One year later I've been able to
pay the amount of something near $40. In any case a patent attorney is able
to give you the right adress updated, bank account and so on. Delivery time
three days after the request by fax.
I hope you are reading Russian language. I proposed to send you a french
translation through e-mail. As you want.
For this patent you have to know : first requisition July 16th 1992, patent
delivered May 27th 1995.
If you are interested by old alchemia, there's new concepts running on cold
fusion and results are excellent. There's a junction between modern concepts
and old european alchemia. It depends what you are looking for. There's some
very good specialist in Italy, experiments are running through Berthollet's
powder, and experiments are running... Due to the fact a such powder is
involved, perhaps there's somebody in this newsgroup having other good
Be sure red mercury has nothing to deal with alchemia and cold fusion, red
mercury is only an hoax.
Cold fusion and alchemia are running in the field of electrons, a new model
putting partially "off" Bohr's model of atom, but that's a too long story to
put on a NG.
You are thinking red mercury is running with neutrons, you are wrong.
When you will be successful to produce red mercury (no doubt you are a good
chemist), please send me 50 grams for my private collection of crazy
products without any use in my office show room, I've planty of other
Thanks for the tip about Berthollet's Powder and the details available
in another message. The amount of gold involved, 0.6g, is reminiscent
of the amounts produced by one Dr. James Price, in 1782, during his
demonstration experiments in front of the Royal Society. These ranged
from 6 to 11 grains of gold, produced by the action of Price's 'red
powder' upon heated mercury. Later he transmuted mercury to yield 120
grains of gold as a presentation to George III, who was so impressed
that he ordered a regular gold supply from Price, to help with the war
effort. As anyone familiar with reports of the amounts of Philosopher's
Stone created by any one alchemist and the few grams of gold generated
in the course of a typical transmutation can testify, the king's
expectations were completely unrealistic and led to Price's suicide.
The official account of his demonstrations before the Royal Society is
available at <http.www.levity.com/alchemy/
wasn't Berthollet a celebrated Swedish chemist in the early 1800's,
which would make him a near contemporary of Price?
First I would like to add and confirm this experiment has nothing to deal
with Hg2Sb2O7
Experiments are performed according to the receipe of Roberto A. Monti.
Italian citizen.
The cost of the gold produced is much more higher than the price of gold in
a bank...
Not possible to make a fortune with this receipe.
As complementary explanation :
Mr Claude Berthollet (1748-1822) french citizen, chemist, has discovered
whitening properties of hypochlorites and prepared chlorates to be used in
powders, and he developped some new powders with chlorates.
He discovered composition of acids and bases and began together with Mr
Lavoisier to perform a classification of chemicals products. He gave the
basic rules of chemical reaction : salt + salt; acid+base, acid + salt...
He was comptemporary of Price but at my knowledge has never been in
To have Berthollet's powder you replace KNO3 in the gun powder by chlorate,
with necessary stoechiometirc adaptation.
At that time chemistry and alchemia weren't dissociated. The wellknown
experiment of Mr Lavoisier having determined the composition of the air
after having been boiling mercury during three weeks.. Mr Lavoisier wasn't
looking for air analysis, he was looking for something in the field of
The main advantage of alchemia is : Alchemia has always been a very good
engine to push guys to find something, to perform experiment and to try to
explain something.
Right now the "cold fusion" is the new name of alchemia.
Time to time cold fusion is working and we don't know all criterias (see US
Navy report, NAWCWPNS by Melvin Miles), time to time transmutation to gold
is successful (with the same ratio !!!) and we don't know why...One
experiment producing 0.605 g of gold may be considered as an excellent
result. The same experiment some weeks later and the result = zero may be
considered as : all parameters haven't been identified...
I understand absolutely how Price has been disappointed, but in any case I
don't want to take my life for a such reason
If it was so simple, the trick would have flown in the wind after centuries.
If you have gold performing an amalgam with mercury it's very easy to verify
by mass spectrometer..
To do an hoax for yourself has no interest.
The problem is arising when you have not the ray of gold before the
experiment in the components and when you obtain a clear ray of gold on the
mass spectrometer after the experiment with the help of Berthollet's powder.
The first reaction is to think your mass spectrometer is "out"... you ask
for a maintenance, but the guy performing the maintenance / calibration of
the mass spectrometer is saying : It's OK, no problem.
At this point you have the "problem".
It would have been much more simple if the result of the first experiment
would have been zero, no test to perform any more.
Such experiments are done for "fun", seriously, but for "fun".
I prefer to work with Al Ultra fine powder, the target is much more serious
Thanks for the additional info. The combination for Berthollet's Powder
that you describe, KClO3 + C + S, looks as if it could have figured in
Berthollet and Lavoisier's experiments in the 1780's, particularly the
demonstration involving chlorate in which two daughters of french
government officials were killed. Lavoisier seems to have eclipsed his
colleague unjustifiably in chemical history. What about adding the
powder to Hg3Sb4O13 to red heat to observe any extra oxidation of
sulphur and carbon, like from the next room? At least I confused
Berthollet with Berzelius rather than Berthelot, so at least I was in
the right century. A pity they had to have such similar names.
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