Thursday, May 26, 2016

SIS has intervened in Tecnia /Ferreira Court case in force of authorizations based on the assumption that Tecnia /Erdevel case is involving "state secrets." This is a "privilege" that is used rarely in US, and with prudence, because of the strong roots of civil rights; such a use in Portugal for a fraud in indirect offset, that is treated at the same level of terrorists's and suspected terrorists's renditions, is absolutely out of any state security logics.

 The level of civil actions by Erdevel Europa - LGT and the request for Tecnia's bankrupcy by a shell company based in Liechtenstein is problematic. The disappearance of papers from the trial, the silence of Ferreira's lawyers about it, the presentation of fake and counterfeited documents by Erdevel, Lovells, and VdA, Pocalyko's patent and embarrassing perjuries in Torres Vedras Court, the involvement of a legal company paid by the state (Rui Pena, Arnault: a partner is secretly :-) in the Defense Commission and the other Partner is a former Minister of Defense) are the clear signs the SIS was involved in court. SIS is responsible, that is, there is no evidence of corruption of the judge. SIS intervention is unjust, but "legal," that is authorized by the executive branch.  There is, however, a seriously illegal aspect of their intervention, that is, they should have claimed that it was no matter for civil/criminal courts, but a matter pertaining to the executive branch (PM, Defense minister, SIS, etc). Openly.

  The reason why they did not claim secrecy privilege in court, forcing the end of the public trial, is at least based on two points:

     1)  There is an economic issue at stake, money for the damages they have provoked or they have permitted to be done to Tecnia and to your family. Culpa in vigilando, at least: they knew about the offset and the pre-offset, since they authorized and certified it.

     2)  There is a problem to claim state secret privilege for an environmental indirect offset, even if it is connected with 300 mil euro Portuguese purchase from Styer / General Dynamics.

SIS is extremely strong within Portugal's borders, with several dissuasions methods for journalists and lawyers. I still wonder how you have been able to put up with their pressure so far. Maybe you are more Portuguese than Isabel, Rui Vicente and Antero Luis, that is, you are more stubborn.

The illegality is that they are acting in this way because they want you to pay for other civil servants's mistakes in the evaluation of Pocalyko / Erdevel Europa indirect offset fraud, for the lack of supervision by CPC and Pedro Catarino, etc.

These are not unfortunate events, acts of God, or effects of the global economic crisis:  Erdevel Europa is a planned fraud, still stealing money from Portugal's taxpayers (not only from you and your family).
This also implies personal responsibility by some civil servants and your rights to claim state compensation for what happened in the Erdevel Europa / LGT fraud.
 The Erdevel Europa Ponzi Pocalyko frauds are  more and more  a nightmare for Portuguese and  also several European Politicians.
The problem in fact  was  easy to solve,  like the Belgians  did. But  it became  a terrible mess in Portugal, where  Pocalyko and his Offset Gang decided  that  it would  be possible to convince  Judges, Prosecutors,  Lawyers,  Ministers,  and  so many others, that   I was  the "escape got" for  the  whole  ponzi Pocalyko frauds.
The case is  now entering  into the  most intense fight: in one  side, the  Judicial system ignoring all the evidences of the  Pocalyko frauds, on  another  side all the politicians  "whistler to the side", as  if they  have nothing to do with the case.
An example: the insolvency classification of Tecnia, if  continues with  the same  mistakes ( if not to say a  real bad  comment about  the  Judge), may  represent an illegal emission of  up to 15 million  euro CPC certificates  in favor to Steyr/ General Dynamics?  Or to say  the same : the Portuguese State  will lose 15 million euro offsets. Just with a  " manipulated "   insolvency classification obtained  over a criminal abuse of the  law and  justice to  obtain  a fraudulent  insolvency of  Tecnia.
This is just  an example.
The  big problem  started in 2003:
in 2003 somebody  in political / state authorities authorized in Portugal, Belgium, Italy and Germany  a clandestine ( thus illegal ) indirect offset, assembled  by Michael Pocalyko.
why was  this  illegal and  clandestine  offset  authorized ?
The answer to this question is  well known by SIS, for sure.
So, they  just need  to  solve the  scandal,   as  it urges.
The  very  next weeks, we  will be  looking into  the authorities and  observing their behavior: we  ask the State authorities  to produce  a clear  and  public  statement about  the case. Citizens  have  the right to be  informed and  to  know what  the State  have to say about the  Ponzi Pocalyko offset frauds  against  Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Germany and Saudi Arabia.
If they  keep hiding the case, as  they have  been doing until now, then   we   will be sure  about  the  case.

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